
文/ 小茹 时间: 话题作文




初二英语作文 篇1

  My mother was a woman sticking to traditions.She was too conservative to keep up with the times.But she was the person I loved best in thisworld,for she was kind hearted and warm hearted.She was strict with me and often said to me, You cannot study to hard . Though my school was hundreds of miles away from my home,though my study here was hundreds of miles away from my home,thouh my study here was times busierthan it used to be,my love for Mother grew each passing day.I still remembere the hay years when I lived with her,her rejoicing whenever I went back home,and encouragements and help that she had given me. I was really longing to see her again in the coming summer holidays.

初二英语作文 篇2

  An ideal is an important coordinate for a" person to realize his or her value of life. Almost everyone has a beautiful ideal.

  During my childhood, I found in movies the PLA men were always so brave and elevated that I even wanted to be a general like Li Zhen, who was the first woman general in China. But my short-sighted eyes broke my dream. Then, I wanted to be a per-son who could influence the evolution of the world like Madame Curie, Indira Gandi and so on. Unfortunately I am still a small potato by now. I have to think of other ways to be successful— another ideal. Now, I have decided to be a teacher. As I can't be famous myself, I will help others be; I will give others abilities to propel the society forward.Many people think that to be a teacher means only devoting. Teachers are always linked to the candle, which will keep burning until the end of the life leaving only tears. I think this figure of speech is too sad and dreary. In my opinion, if you are a teacher, you will have an immortal soul because when your students listen to your lectures, they will be impressed with the feature of your personality and mentality of your mind gradually. If one of your students once turns somebody and does an earth-shaking feat, you are safe to say it's your success as a teacher.

  Sokrates said, "The happiest thing in the world is to fight for the ideal." To realize my ideal, I should make a good plan. First, the most important thing for me to do today is to study as hard as I can so that I can get much knowledge. If I want to help my stu-dents to be intellectual, I myself must be wise and learned. Sec-ond, I need to go to a good normal university where I can be taught how to teach and I can gain the knowledge of psychology. As a teacher, I will be patient, kind-hearted and lively. I will love them as my brothers and sisters, give them not only love but also respect. I won't spoon-feed students. Instead, I will give them a strong desire to learn and the ability of analyzing. Besides, I will help them build self-confidence and form indomitable will, which will help them face difficulties and setbacks in the future.

  If I can get the fortunate opportunity to be a teacher, I am sure that you will see my students become famous very soon. At that time, I will be happier than when I myself become famous because I agree that to give is better than to receive.

  I do believe that a teacher is the brightest job under the sun.

初二英语作文 篇3

  My name is Gong Chen. I am a fourteen-year-old girl. Now, I study at Dongzhou Middle School.

  My school is very big and beautiful.

  There are seven lofty buildings in our school and there are a lot of classrooms in it. There are some nice flowers in my school. There is a new playground in our school. We students exercise in the playground every day. Our school library is at the back of our school. We can do some reading there after class. It’s a nice place to study.

  When you come into our school, you can see a lake near the school gate. There are three ducks swimming and playing in it. What a beautiful school!

  I like my school. I am proud of being a student in our school. I’ll work hard for it.

初二英语作文 篇4

  Elephants are the biggest animals on the land.They are big and srong.They have big ears and trunks.They can walk quietly and help people move heavy things. They are very friendly,kind and always live together.But the number of elephants reduces.People kill elephants for their ivories.

  We must take action to protect them or else they will extinct from the world.

初二英语作文 篇5

  We may obtain knowledge by reading. The more books we read, the more we accumulate the knowledge. Is it right? I don’t think so. It’s not wide reading but useful reading that leads to excellence. And only good books can benifit us.

  So choosing books is very important for reading. Many students spend a lot of time reading legends and swordsman novels.It’s a waste of time. Some students even read some bad books and it is harmful for them. So be as careful of the books we read, as of the company we keep, for our habit and character will be as much influened by the former as by the latter.

初二英语作文 篇6

  Health has become a very important part of our life,and there are many ways to keep heathy.

  First,you can eat more fruit and vegetables,and you'd better drink more warn water.Next,you have to do lots of exercise.And having at least 8 hours'sleep a night.Remember,don't drink coffe or tea before you go to bed,don't eat too much sugar and don't work or study too late,it will make you too tired.

  If you care about yourself, it's easy to have a healthy lifestyle.




初二英语作文 篇7

  One morning before class, when I was running into the classroom, I knocked over the ink bottle on the teacher's desk, and the red ink spilt ① on the desk. I was sure I would be scolded by the teacher. Just at that moment the bell rang and I went to my seat.

  “Stand up!” our monitor said loudly. I stood up and my legs were trembling.

  “Who knocked over the ink bottle?” Miss Ye, the teacher, asked. I kept silent. Many eyes were fixed upon me. Miss Ye walked to me and asked in a low voice,“Did you do it?”

  “No, no, I didn't, ” I said hurriedly②. My face turned red at once. I didn't know why I had told a lie.

  “OK, I believe you.” She patted me on the head and then began teaching.

  I felt very sorry. I knew I was wrong. So I went to see Miss Ye in the afternoon.

  “I'm sorry, Miss Ye,” I said. “This morning I told a lie.”

  “I saw the whole thing through the window when I was outside the classroom, ”she said. “But I didn't scold you. I knew you would come to tell me the truth because I believe you are an honest girl.”

  I dropped my head without saying a word.

  “I'm happy that you have come,” she continued. “You haven't made me disappointed.”

  When I heard these words, tears filled my eyes.









【推荐】初二英语作文合集七篇   无论是在学校还是在社会中,大家都不可避免地会接触到作文吧,作文是人们以书面形式表情达意的言语活动。那么问题来了,到底