
文/ 小茹 时间: 话题作文




高一春节英语作文 篇1

  In the first year of the New Year, I went with my father and my mother to pay a New Year visit to my relatives.

  "Boom and boom," we knocked on the door of our aunt's house. The door opened, and the great aunt smiled at her sister with a smile. "Auntie, sister, happy New Year! I congratulated my aunt on the New Year when I walked in the door. People greet each other New Year, the big aunt is busy to make us tea water, produced a lot of delicious, the most important is give me a 200 yuan red envelope! At this moment, I found that uncle was not at home, and I asked, "aunt, uncle," "well, he knows the work all day, and the house doesn't care." This is not, big New Year's day to go to unit shift." 'she pretended to be angry. But I don't believe she's really angry. She's got a smile on her face.

  Goodbye to my aunt and sister, we set out on the train to our hometown. My maternal grandmother has another aunt in loudi, so we are going to go to loudi! It took two and a half hours to get to loudi railway station. My grandfather was the train station, and I took two steps to go home. As soon as he entered the door, grandpa came to meet him. "Grandpa," gong said, "get rich. Get it in red packets!" Grandpa laughed from ear to ear, hurriedly gave me a red envelope, I opened a look, hi, again have 200 yuan! Oh, I have a big income this year!

  After dinner, we came to our great aunt's house. My brother was waiting downstairs, and he was setting off firecrackers! Seeing my brother is the happiest thing for me, because he can always come up with a lot of funny ideas. He can't wait to drag me to his house to play the racing game, so exciting!

  Time flies so fast that it's almost dark. My aunt's cooking is the best in our family, so be sure to stay and taste the big dinner she has prepared for us! Faced with a table of delicious food, a large family gathered around the table, everyone with a happy smile on their faces, I really felt "life is sweeter than honey"!

  I can't help looking forward to next year's New Year!

高一春节英语作文 篇2

  After the fathers had been sacrificed to the father, we drove along the path to our mother's ancestors, along with the sound of firecrackers, the sounds of questioning and the laughter of the ears.

  Since the graves of my mother's ancestors were more than a dozen miles away, and all of them were country roads, we were in a hurry to catch up earlier. Because just snowed, the road is not very easy, we decided not to go into gully, but from the hillside to find the path with the dry point, suddenly, I saw a lonely grave, weeds from birth, and no one visit.

  I thought, if people really have the spirit of heaven, don't they feel lonely, their children? I told dad the idea.

  The father said: "to worship the deceased ancestors, formerly a feudal superstition activity, but now, has simplified, is only a kind of etiquette, is to own ancestors of respect."

  After the meal, my father said, "this year our country has suffered a snowstorm, so many people can't rush home to celebrate the New Year, but they have been talking on the phone to greet their families. If people knew it first, they would understand it.

  "There are still many people, they are busy in their respective jobs, this year our country will host the Olympic Games, the country is speeding up development, everyone is working hard!"

  I thought, "yes, if the ancestors knew it, they would understand and be happy. People are building a good new life."

  Before long, we arrived at mother's ancestral grave, the same feelings, the same worship, I also solemnly made three bow.

  Walking back, I found a new cement road to the mountain village, there are many busy people, carrying bag, and walked out this unfinished road, on their way to their jobs.

高一春节英语作文 篇3

  The Lunar New Year is now popularly known as the Spring Festival because it starts from the Begining of Spring . Its origin is too old to be traced. Several explanations are hanging around. All agree, however, that the word Nian, which in modern Chinese solely means year , was originally the name of a monster beast that started to prey on people the night before the beginning of a new year.

  One legend goes that the beast Nian had a very big mouth that would swallow a great many people with one bite. People were very scared. One day, an old man came to their rescue, offering to subdue Nian. To Nian he said, I hear say that you are very capable, but can you swallow the other beasts of prey on earth instead of people who are by no means of your worthy opponents? So, it did swallow many of the beasts of prey on earth that also harassed people and their domestic animals from time to time.

  After that, the old man disappeared riding the beast Nian. He turned out to be an immortal god. Now that Nian is gone and other beasts of prey are also scared into forests, people begin to enjoy their peaceful life. Before the old man left, he had told people to put up red paper decorations on their windows and doors at each year s end to scare away Nian in case it sneaked back again, because red is the color the beast feared the most.

  From then on, the tradition of observing the conquest of Nian is carried on from generation to generation. The term Guo Nian , which may mean Survive the Nian becomes today Celebrate the Year as the word guo in Chinese having both the meaning of pass-over and observe . The custom of putting up red paper and firing fire-crackers to scare away Nian should it have a chance to run loose is still around. However, people today have long forgotten why they are doing all this, except that they feel the color and the sound add to the excitement of the celebratio

高一春节英语作文 篇4

  Today is an unusual day, I write a pair of couplet you know what day is today: "green liushu eyebrow old year old, red peach open to congratulate New Year." You must know what day it is, Spring Festival. I am going to my home for the Spring Festival today. I will tell you how I spent the Spring Festival.

  Today is the Spring Festival, and of course I want to paste the Spring Festival couplets. My cousin and I work for this job. I post "fu" and my cousin paste Spring Festival couplets. After a while, the matter was settled by us. As we finished our work, the New Year's eve dinner was ready. My cousin and bring firecrackers to grandpa, grandpa put firecrackers on the ground, lit a fire, all over your ears, but only I didn't put her hands over her ears, because I think this "PI" firecrackers are off 20xx with a smile, and like a wave in 20xx. After letting off firecrackers, it is time to eat dinner, and lo and behold, the round ball is not like a family member. It's time to set off fireworks after dinner. My cousin and I went to the house to get one or two of the fireworks to get my uncle's order, and I was running back and forth in the yard, the joy of which I thought words and words could not be expressed. Fireworks put out, then, we took out the gun again, grandpa fuse, "bang", a "split" image came into my eyes, "bang", the such as "signal shot out" flutter, night embroidered into the world of fresh flowers. This is really "fire tree silver flower not night, fireworks dance welcome year" ah! Later, we put a lot of cannons, all colorful and dazzling, dazzling. In another minute it was twelve o 'clock, and grandpa hung up the firecrackers and counted them: "three, two, one." The deafening sound of guns ushered in the New Year, and thousands of families set off fireworks and firecrackers, taking the sky as the day. The whole countryside is bubbling up, and it promises prosperity and prosperity for the coming year.









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