
文/ 小玲 时间: 话题作文




  【1】 Language Is Power

  A larger vocabulary gives us more creative ways to express ourselves.

  It also enables us to be more clear and precise in what we mean. However, a good command of the language is also knowing when to use the vocabulary we have. When I finally made it to college, I was exposed to a lot of new words, a lot of big words that I had to use in my papers if I wanted to make the grade, and those words eventually seeped into my everyday speech. That was good when I was in class or when I was in a discussion about some deep issue or world issue with a professor or college peer, but I found that when I talked to some friends who had not the desire or financial means for college, I came across as arrogant. If the purpose of communication is to get our neighbors to understand our point of view or to come to a new understanding about something we feel is important then we need to be careful not to win an argument with big words, but to speak in a way which they can understand what is said so they will be able to make their own judgment about the facts or truth you believe you are presenting.

  The power of language is not just in knowing words and knowing how to use words effectively, but also being able to speak and communicate at various levels, and knowing when it is needed to do so.


  Chinese is the language spoken by largest human population on Earth.

  It is also one of the UN working languages. The written Chinese is rather universal. But the official spoken Chinese is the mandarin. Mainland Chinese use simplified characters. But overseas Chinese are more used to the traditional characters. Some calligraphers also prefer traditional characters as they are more suitable for such art.

  Though it is a very different and difficult language to most westerners, more and more people start to learn Chinese because China has been developing very fast and it would be advantagous to be able to speak Chinese.


  Language is essential; language is what we use to communicate among others.It is something that joins us just as strongly as it separates us.

  There are many different “languages” in the world but really they are all bound by certain rules,they all have a format that they follow,all of them have,nouns,verbs,tenses,and adjectives.Language is almost like a math,the point of it is that when you speak,you try to reach a conclusion with a different person,and in math you use equations to solve problems and reach conclusions,one is numbers the other is words.









关于语言高二英语作文   语言是一个国家的`名片,语言是人与人之间交流的基础......下面小编整理了3篇关于语言高二英语作文,欢迎大家点击阅读!  【1】 La