
文/ 小玲 时间: 话题作文




英语作文 篇1

  I like to make purchase, since I start to shop online, I will buy things once I like, I just can’t control my desire. As for my mother, she is not like me, she barely goes shopping, she buys clothes once a year. I think my mother is over thrifty, she thinks me waste a lot of money. We have different views of consumption, both of us don’t make the reasonable consumption.


  For the old generation, they have experienced war and hunger, so they cherish what they have and are very easy to be satisfied with the things they have, they won’t spend the money to have fun, because they think it is wasteful. In my opinion, we are in the modern society, we have lived the better life and should learn to enjoy the moment. There is no need to save all the money and do nothing.


  For the young people, they like to spend tomorrow’s money, they don’t save the money because they spend all their salary, they like to go shopping and buy what they want. It is not right to spend all the money, we need to save part of it just in case of the emergent situation.


英语作文 篇2

  Zhang Xin is our monitor. She is tall, healthy and lively. She does well in all subjects. She is fond of sports and is good at singing and dancing.Zhang Xin works hard at English. When she came to the school, she had quite a lot of difficulties with the language. But she was not afraid of them and always tried her best to overcome them. She was active in class and did a lot of practice after class. No pains, no gains. With great efforts she made much progress in English study.Zhang Xin is modest and always ready to help others. She is very strict with herself in her work and daily life. She sets us all a fine example.


英语作文 篇3





英语作文 篇4


  Should Online Businesses Be Taxed?





  Should Online Businesses Be Taxed?

  As to whether online businesses should be taxed,there is a long-running concern as well as controversial debate.

  Some people contend that online businesses are economic entities、with the purpose of making profits,so it’s reasonable and obligatory for them to pay taxes.Taxing online businesses also demonstrates fairness to both physical retail businesses and their online counterparts.What’s more,they will benefit from it in the long run.But others disapprove of the practice. They hold the view that despite the high e-commerce transaction volume, online businesses do not have a very high profit margin.Taxation may force many online businesses to quit because they cannot make money any longer.Besides.ff online businesses are taxed.the increasing costs are likely to be shifted to consumers.unfavorable for their healthy development.

  As for my personal viewpoint。I support the former opinion.Now that online businesses are commercial activities.they have no excuse to be exempted from taxation.Furthermore,the tax-free model surely brings some benefits to online businesses in the short term.but it will become a great obstacle for the far-reaching development of the whole trade.









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