
文/ Emma 时间: 话题作文




英语作文 篇1

  Today so many students are learning English, parents pay special attention to their kids’ English, while Chinese has been neglected by some students. They think Chinese is their first language, so they can learn it well naturally.

  I don’t think so, Chinese has a long history and the culture is various, the language is broad and profound, it needs work hard and spend more time to learn. Just as English, Chinese grammar, structure and idiom are full of difficulties, so we must learn Chinese by our hearts. We should learn Chinese well when we study English.

英语作文 篇2

  Every year, the average salary will be announced to the public and there is no doubt that people laugh at themselves for they are so far away from these numbers. The data seems to be ridiculous for most people, but as a matter of fact, it shows that the gap between the rich and the poor is bigger and bigger.


  China’s economy develops very fast and the world is watching us. Since the policy of Reform and Open carried out, we met many challenges and chances. A lot of people seize the chance and earn a lot o f money. These rich people use their first money to invest other projects and become the millionaires. While for some people who just do their own jobs and earn the basic money, they do not earn much money.


  As a result, the rich become richer. This is the reason why the data seems to be so high for most people. One rich people can make the average salary look much higher, which surprises the ordinary people. Though people complain about the large gap, the successful people deserve to own such fortune.


英语作文 篇3

  Suqian Senior high school entrance examination is coming. Everybody wants to do better in it. So get following things ready. First, It’s very important for us to pay attention to our diet. Second, we should go to bed on time. You’d better not get too tired while revising your lessons. Third, don’t be too nervous. It’s necessary to take some exercise as you like. Also remember to get familiar with the examination environment, such as the toilet, the test room and so on. And above all, be confident of yourself. If you get ready the things that I mention above, your dream will come true. Good luck, everybody!


英语作文 篇4


  In a year the situation of Mr. Ralph Spencer was this: he had won the respect of most of the inhabitants of the place, his shoe-store was prospering, and he and Annabel were to be married in two weeks. Mr. Adams, Annabel’s father, who was a typical country banker, approved of Spencer. Annabel herself was very proud of her fiancé. In fact her pride almost equaled her affection. Jimmy was as much at home in the family of Mr. Adams and that of Annabel’s married sister as if he were already a member.

  One day Jimmy sat down in his room and wrote this letter which he sent to the address of one his old friends: “Dear Old Chap,I want you to be at Brown’s Cafe, in Little Rock, next Wednesday night at nine o’clock. I want you to do something for me. And, also, I want to make you a present of my tools. I know you’ll be glad to get them—you couldn’t get such a set for a thousand dollars. Say, Billy, I gave up the old business—a year ago. I’ve got a nice store. I’m making an honest living, and in two weeks I’m going to marry the finest girl on earth. It’s the only life, Billy, the straight one. I wouldn't’ touch a dollar of another man’s money now for a million. After I get married I’m going to sell my store and go west, where there won’t be so much danger of meeting people who knew me before. I tell you, Billy, she’s an angel. She believes in me and I would never do another crooked thing for the whole world. Do come to Brown’s, for I must see you. I’ll bring the tools with me.Your old friend, Jimmy.”

  On the Monday night after Jimmy wrote this letter, Ben Price, the detective, arrived in Elmore. He walked about the town quietly until he found out what he wanted to know. From the drugstore across the street from Spencer’s shoe-store he got a good look at Ralph D. Spencer.

  Yes, it was worthwhile investing money in the shoe business, he thought. There wasn’t a shoe-store in the place. The dry-goods and general stores sold them. Business in all lines was fairly good.

  “I hope, Mr. Spencer, you’ll decide to stay in Elmore. You’ll find it a pleasant town to live in, and the people are very nice,” continued the clerk.

  Mr. Spencer said that he would stop in the town for a few days and consider the situation.

  The clerk wanted to call the boy to carry up the suitcase, but Mr. Spencer said that he needn’t do it. He would carry his suitcase himself; it was rather heavy. Mr. Ralph Spencer, the phoenix that arose from Jimmy Valentine’s ashes—ashes left by the flame of a sudden attack of love—remained in Elmore and prospered. He opened a shoe-store and made large profits. In all other respects he was also a success.

  He was popular with many important people and had many friends. And he accompanied the wish of his heart. He met Miss Annabel Adams, and fell more and more deeply in love with her.

  The only way to travel is on foot.

英语作文 篇5

  In the thick of party conflict in 1800, Thomas Jefferson wrote in a private letter, I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.

  This powerful advocate of liberty was born in 1743 in Albemarle County, Virginia, inheriting from his father, a planter and surveyor, some 5,000 acres of land, and from his mother, a Randolph, high social standing. He studied at the College of William and Mary, then read law.

  In 1772 he married Martha Wayles Skelton, a widow, and took her to live in his partly constructed mountaintop home, Monticello.

  Freckled and sandy-haired, rather tall and awkward, Jefferson was eloquent as a correspondent, but he was no public speaker. In the Virginia House of Burgesses and the Continental Congress, he contributed his pen rather than his voice to the patriot cause. As the silent member of the Congress, Jefferson, at 33, drafted the Declaration of Independence. In years following he labored to make its words a reality in Virginia. Most notably, he wrote a bill establishing religious freedom, enacted in 1786.

  Jefferson succeeded Benjamin Franklin as minister to France in 1785. His sympathy for the French Revolution led him into conflict with Alexander Hamilton when Jefferson was Secretary of State in President Washingtons Cabinet. He resigned in 1793.

  Sharp political conflict developed, and two separate parties, the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans, began to form. Jefferson gradually assumed leadership of the Republicans, who sympathized with the revolutionary cause in France. Attacking Federalist policies, he opposed a strong centralized Government and championed the rights of states.









精选英语作文汇总5篇   在日常学习、工作抑或是生活中,许多人都写过作文吧,作文可分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文(论文)。那么问题来了,到底应如何写一篇优