
文/ 散文网 时间: 手抄报


  Girls at a training course offered by the "Care for Girls" program in Qingjian county, Shaanxi province, talked about their pursuit of dreams despite living in unfavorable conditions.


  Initiated by the National Health and Family Planning commission in 2013, the program helps girls in underdeveloped regions to build their self-esteem and self-confidence.


  Xi Peiyao, 12, who attended the training course, said her dream is to be a teacher.


  "I want to be a teacher teaching Chinese because I like Chinese and writing," Xi said. "By teaching I can not only share knowledge with my students, but also keep learning new things from new versions of textbooks."


  She is living with her mother in a room that has no bathroom and costs 300 yuan ($48) a month to rent. Merit certificates she received from school are displayed on the wall. Yan Lingling, Xi's mother, said she is proud of her daughter.


  According to the family planning policy, couples in which both the husband and wife have rural residential permits can have another child if their first is a daughter. Yan said she isn't planning on adding to the family because she wants to give her daughter the best she has.


  "My husband is away most of the time, working in construction sites and making no more than 30,000 yuan ($4,840) a year. I work as an hourly worker sometimes. The rent of our apartment is expensive. One more child means one more burden," Yan said.


  "My husband's parents, who live in the village, have been pressuring us to have a son to pass on his family name. But my daughter is also our blood."


  Speaking about how she plans to achieve her dream of becoming a teacher, Xi said: "I will not give up on my dream easily, though I know it may be difficult. When something becomes difficult, it only makes me want to try harder."



  There is a right and a wrong in the universe, and the distinction is not hard to make.


  —— 《超人》Superman (1978)

  Cats come when they feel like it, not when they're told.


  ——《猫女》Catwoman (2004)

  It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me.


  ——《蝙蝠侠:侠影之谜》Batman Begins (2005)

  It's about what you believe, and I believe in love. Only love will truly save the world.


  ——《神奇女侠》 Wonder Woman (2017)

  Violence doesn't discriminate. It comes as cold and bracing as a winter breeze and it leaves you with a chill you can't shake off.


  ——《超胆侠》Daredevil (2003)

  I know what it's like. To not live up to expectations. To feel like nothing that you do will ever be good enough.


  ——《绿灯侠》Green Lantern (2011)

  I shouldn't be alive, unless it was for a reason. I know what I have to do, and I know what is right.


  ——《钢铁侠》Iron Man (2008)

  If you cage the beast, the beast will be angry.





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英语手抄报一等奖作品的相关资料1:女孩为梦想而努力  Girls at a training course offered by the "Care for Girls" program in Qingjian county, Shaanxi province, talk