
文/ 散文网 时间: 教育随笔




  26. This animal is ugly.

  A. kink of; kind of B. a kind of; a kind of

  C. kinds of; kind of D. kind of; a kind of

  27. — Lets go to the zoo on Sunday morning.

  — .

  A. Not at all B. Thank you very much

  C. That sounds good D. Youre welcome

  28. —What can you do in school?

  — .

  A. Arrive late for class B. Run in the hallways

  C. Eat in the dining hall D. Fight

  29. I have rules in my home. We have homework to do today.

  A. too many; too much B. too much; many too

  C. too many; much too D. much too; many too

  30. Its raining all day, so he at home.

  A. must stays B. have to stay

  C. has to stay D. can staying

  31. Where Tom ?

  A. do; come from B. is; come from

  C. does; from D. is; from

  32. Dont be noisy. Your father .

  A. is sleeping B. watches TV.

  C. playing chess D. is go to bed

  33. A: ?

  B: He is very friendly.

  A. What does your brother like?

  B. What is your brother like?

  C. Who is your brother like?

  D. Who does your brother look like?

  34. — Can you come here a quarter ten?

  —Sure, 9:45.

  A. at; past B. at; to

  C. in; to D. around; past

  35. — Whats your father doing?

  — . He just relaxes (放松) at home.

  A. Hes busy B. Hes doing some things

  C. He watches games a lot. D. Not much

  36. — Mom, can I have more ice cream?

  — . You cant eat too much.

  A. Thats all right! B. Thats OK!

  C. No way. D. Yes, you can.

  37. — What animals only come from China?

  — do.

  A. Lions B. An elephant

  C. Koalas D. Pandas

  38. — in the library!

  — OK. Ill follow it.

  A. Be noisy B. Talk loudly

  C. Keep quiet D. Dont wear a hat

  39. A: does it take you to get to school on foot?

  B: About Twenty minutes

  A. How long B. How far

  C. How often D. When

  40. —I like my new pet dog.

  — Really? Why?

  — .

  A. He can walk on two legs

  B. He can dance good

  C. He is very lazy

  D. He is a kind of cute


  A) 请先阅读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(每小题1分,共15分)

  My name is Emily Brown. I am a middle school student. We have some 41 at school and at home. We cant get to 42 late. We have to finish our homework. We cant stay out 43 school nights. Some students think these rules are 44 and they dont like them. But I cant agree with 45 . I think these rules can help 46 a lot, If we dont follow them, 47 can we do well in our studies? For example, our teachers ask us to clean our classroom every day. If we 48 , the classroom will be very dirty. It is bad (不好) for our health, too. If your parents ask you 49 in bed early and you dont listen to them, you cant 50 on time next morning. Everyone needs some rules. Do you think so?

  41. A. books B. clothes C. rules D. classmates

  42. A. school B. home C. office D. dining hall

  43. A. at B. in C. for D. on

  44. A. good B. bad C. funny D. easy

  45. A. these students B. there rules

  C. the school D. my parents

  46. A. me B. you C. us D. them

  47. A. what B. how C. when D. where

  48. A. cant B. arent C. wont D. dont

  49. A. to be B. to do C. be D. do

  50. A. get to B. get in C. get up D. get on

  B) 先阅读短文,掌握其大意。然后从方框中所给的词中选出恰当的10个,并用其适当形式填空,每个词限用一次。(每小题1分)

  picture, under, child, in, swim, are, reading, go, flying, like, friendly, make

  Look! This is a nice 51 . Its Sunday morning. There 52 many boys and girls in the park. Some of them are singing 53 the tree. Some are 54 in the river. Other 55 are playing games on the hill.

  Maria is an American girl. She is 56 to her classmates. She is in the park, too. What is she doing? She is sitting and 57 a book. She 58 reading very much. Tom is an English boy. He is five. He is too young. He cant 59 to school. Now he is 60 a kite.


  A) 请阅读下列短文。根据短文内容从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(每小题2分)



  I like dogs. They are so cute. They play with us. How happy!


  I dont like dogs. Because they are scary. Some dogs hurt people.


  Dogs are helpful! They help people with many things. Some dogs help do the housework.


  I like dogs. They are clever. But my mother dislikes them. She thinks they are noisy. She only likes quiet and small animals.

  61. Who dislikes dogs?

  A. Henry. B. Nancy. C. Andrew. D. Julia.

  62. How many kids like dogs?

  A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.

  63. We can send to Andrews mother.

  A. a dog B. a rabbit C. a tiger D. a panda

  64. What kind of animals does Andrews mother like?

  A. Cute animals. B. Friendly animals.

  C. Beautiful animals. D. Quiet animals.

  65. Who has the same likes?

  A. Henry and Nancy. B. Nancy and Julia.

  C. Andrew and his mother. D. Julia and Andrew.


  Some girls are talking about their dreams. They want to do different jobs when they grow up.

  The first girl says, "When I grow up, I want to work with animals. I like them and they are so cute."

  The second girl says, "Oh, Mary, I think its boring to be with animals, because they cant speak. I want to be a reporter, so I can meet and talk to interesting people every day,"

  The third girl says, "Jodie, I dont think its a difficult job for you, because you are good at talking with others. I want to be a policewoman, because my mom is one."

  The last girl says, "I like your mothers job, Sarah. I am writing a story about that job. My mother says I can be an author (作家). But I want to be a doctor, because I like helping others."

  66. girls are talking about their dream jobs.

  A. Three B. Four C. Five D. Six

  67. What does Jodie want to be?

  A. A reporter. B. A policewoman.

  C. A doctor. D. An author.

  68. What does the last girl want to be?

  A. A reporter. B. A policewoman.

  C. A doctor. D. An author.

  69. Why does Sarah want to be a policewoman?

  A. Because she can meet and talk to interesting people every day.

  B. Because she is good at talking with others.

  C. Because she likes helping people.

  D. Because her mother is a policewoman.

  70. What kind of the job is not mentioned?

  A. A doctor. B. A breeder (饲养员).

  C. A teacher. D. A reporter.


  We all know that every class has its own rules, like "No smoking!", "No eating!" and "No sleeping!". Our class used to be noisy, because some students were talking when a student was answering the teachers questions. So our head teacher made some class rules.

  In class, we should observe (遵守) the rules. Now, I list some rules in our class:

  1. No talking when Someone is speaking.

  2. No sleeping in class.

  3. No eating in class.

  4. Students cant arrive late for school. Be always on time.

  5. No playing in class.

  6. No laughing when someone makes a mistake.

  7. No smoking or drinking.

  8. Students cant dye (染) hair. Boys cant let their hair grow too long.

  9. In the schoolyard (校园), students cant ride bikes.

  10. Students cant fight with each other.

  Maybe some students dont obey some of the rules. They may smoke, fight and dye hair. But most students think the rules are fine and say they will obey the rules. I think because our class has such rules, we will study better and better.

  71. Who made the class rules?

  A. The monitor B. The students.

  C. The head teacher. D. The parents.

  72. The students should go to school .

  A. at seven oclock B. by bike

  C. very early D. on time

  73. mentions (提高) that the students cant smoke or drink.

  A. The second rule B. The fourth rule

  C. The seventh rule D. The tenth rule

  74. In the schoolyard, students .

  A. can fight with each other B. cant play games

  C. can play cards D. cant ride bikes

  75. Which of the following is NOT true?

  A. Our class was noisy in the past.

  B. There are ten class rules listed.

  C. Boys cant dye hair or let their hair grow too long.

  D. Only a small number of students will obey the rules.

  B) 请阅读下列短文。根据短文内容从下面方框的七个选项中,选择五个适当的句子还原到原文中,使短文意思通顺、结构完整。(每小题2分)

  My names molly. Im a lion. 76 My favorite food is meat and I like to eat little (小的) animals. I like the forest (森林), 77 I live in a big cage (笼子). I cant run; I cant see my parents. 78 Every day I get up in the cage. 79 I sleep in the cage. 80

  A. but I live in the zoo now.

  B. I think its ugly.

  C. I dont like the zoo or the cage.

  D. I really want to run in the forest and live with my parents!

  E. I am very tired.

  F. I am three years old.

  G. I have breakfast, lunch and dinner in the cage.


  Jack: Hello, Steve.

  Steve: Hi, Jack.

  Jack: 81 , Steve?

  Steve: Im watching TV. 82 ?

  Jack: Im listening to a CD.

  Steve: 83 ?

  Jack: The CD is kind of boring.

  Steve: Oh, my TV show is also boring. Lets go to the movies!

  Jack: 84 . What time do we meet?

  Steve: At 10:00 am. Where?

  Jack: Lets meet at the school gate.

  Steve: OK. See you later.

  Jack: 85 .



  Tom 正和他的一个朋友Jim 谈论他所在的学校。Tom 很不喜欢这所学校,原因是这所学校的规章制度太多。





  26-30 ACCAC 31-35 DABBD 36-40 CDCAA


  41-45 CADBA 46-50 CBDAC

  51. picture 52. are 53. under 54. swimming 55. children 56. friendly 57. reading 58. likes 59. go 60. flying


  61—65 DCBDA 66-70 BACDC

  71-75 CDCDD 76-80 FACGD


  81. What are you doing?

  82. What about you? How about your?

  83. How do you like the CD? What do you think of the CD?

  84. That sounds great / good / nice.

  85. See you later.


  Tom is talking about his school with his friend Jim. Tom tells Jim he doesn’t like this school very much, because there are too many school rules for us.

  1. Keep quiet in the classroom ,please.

  2. Don’t eat snacks in the classroom ,or it will make our classroom dirty.

  3. Don’t throw around.

  4. Don’t fight and chase after each other in the classroom. Of course, you can’t make any noise.

  5. Please arrive at the class on time. Don’t be late, or our teachers will be unhappy.

  6. Get ready before the class. Don’t look for anything after the class begins.

  If we break any one of them, we will be punished.



《归去来兮辞 》原文及翻译 现代文阅读及答案




  一、听力(略)  二、单项选择  请阅读下面各小题,从题中所给的'A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(每小题1分,共15分)  26. This animal is u