《钢铁侠3》电影经典语录 钢铁侠3经典台词(精选55句)

文/ 且听风吟 时间: 经典语录


1、Ladies, children, cowards. A lot of people think I"m a terrorist, but I think I"m a mentor. The first lesson I gave you was that heroes never existed


3、"What are you waiting for?" It"s Christmas

4、One thing you can"t take away...



7、它们看着很中式 听着很中式

8、你也不能呆在那 明白吗


10、你得松手 我会拉住你的 我保证


12、Aldrich Killian:给,这就是聪明人的做法……


14、Things are different now.I have to protect the one thing that I can"t live without.That"s you. 情况不一样了,我必须要保护我唯一离不了的人.那就是你.

15、I"m gonna offer the choice.Do you want an empty life.or a meaning ful death? 我会给你一个选择,你是想要苟且偷生,还是死得其所?


17、But they"re actually an American invention

18、They look Chinese. They sound Chinese


20、所以饼馅空心 充满了谎言

21、Tony Stark:你可以摧毁我的房子,我的装备,但是你摧毁不了一个事实,我是钢铁侠。

22、A true story about fortune cookies

23、and leave a bad taste in the mouth

24、I guess I"d say my armor was never a distraction or a hobby

25、Aldrich Killian:(给小辣椒说)看,那就是我们大脑最深层的一部分,是不是很奇妙,那意味着我们的DNA注定会完善和改变的!

26、亲爱的 我手只能伸这么远


28、我会说 我的战衣从来不是分心的玩意 也不是爱好


1、Aldrich Killian:自从一个拿着锤子从天上下来的家伙出现之后,这一切都变了。

2、Today is the first day...of what"s left of you life 今天就是...你余生的第一天

3、Which is why they"re hollow, full of lies

4、So if I wereto wrap this up tight with a bow or whatever

5、神灵 外星人 其他次元······而我只是藏身铁壳的人类


7、I hope I can protect the one thing i can"t live without我只愿能为我毕生挚爱遮挡风雨。另一版本翻译:托尼·斯达克:我希望我能保护好我所不能失去的东西。(相对比较符合语境

8、And I have to protect the one thing that I can"t live without


10、珮珀 我来了 放松 我在这 看着我就行了

11、and you can"t stay there, alright?

12、Tony Stark:我希望我能保护好我所不能失去的东西。


14、You gotta let go. I"ll catch you, I promise

15、You start with something pure, something exciting

16、Gods, aliens, other dimensions...I"m just a man in a can

17、做一件事 开始时 不带目的 满怀热情

18、现在 我破茧而出 焕然一新

19、“你在等什么 ”圣诞节到了

20、Pep, I got you. Relax, Igot you. Just look at me


22、The early bird gets the worm, but it"s the second mouse that gets the cheese.

23、贾维斯 瞄准”终极改造体“的热源

24、Failure is the fog through which we glimpse triumph.

25、Jarvis, target Extremis heat signatures

26、Honey, I can"t reach any further


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《《钢铁侠3》电影经典语录 钢铁侠3经典台词(精选55句)》

《钢铁侠3》电影经典语录1、Ladies, children, cowards. A lot of people think I"m a terrorist, but I think I"m a mentor. The first lesson I gave you was that heroe