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  一、what 作“什么”、“什么东西(或事情)”、“做什么的人(指职业)”等讲

  What is on the plate? 盘子上放着什么东西?

  What are in the sky? 天空有些什么东西?(当心中有数,指复数名词而言时,在提问中就可用谓语的复数形式。若心中无数,一般用谓语的第三人称单数形式来提问。)

  What produces heat? 什么东西产生热?

  What happened to him? 他发生什么事了?

  What are three and three? 三加三是多少?

  What is the weather (或 the room 等) like? 天气(或这房间等)怎样?

  What is she, a nurse or a teacher? 她是干什么的,是护士还是教师?(不能用 which 代替。)

  Which is your teacher, she or he? 哪一个是你的老师,是她还是他?(不能用 what 代替,因为本句不是提问她的职业是什么。)

  二、what 作“什么的”、“什么样的”讲,后面直接接名词单复数均可

  What computers have you ever used? 你使用过什么样的计算机?

  He doesn't know what earphones he should buy. 他不知道他应该买什么样的耳机。

  What time will you go to the health club? 你什么时候去健身俱乐部?

  三、what 仍作“什么”或“什么样的”解,可引出主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句等名词性从句

  What deep web means is not known to all of us. 暗网是什么,并不是我们大家都知道。(主语从句)

  The question is what next step we should take. 问题是下一步我们该采取什么措施。(表语从句)

  He knows what hummingbird is. 他知道蜂鸟是什么。(宾语从句)

  四、what 相当于 that which 或 the thing (或 things) that (或 which) 的意思,也可引出主语从句、宾语从句和表语从句

  What (= The thing that) has been said above is very important. 以上所说的(事情)是很重要的。(主语从句)

  This is not what (= the thing which) I meant. 这不是我的本意。(表语从句)

  There is some truth in what (= the thing that) he has just said. 他刚才讲的多少有点道理。(宾语从句)

  The modern conception of computers is not what it used to be in the past thirty years. 计算机的现代概念已不是过去 30 年的那种概念了。(宾语从句)

  五、what 作定语,却无疑问词含意,而表示 as much (或 many) as 或 any (或 all)… that 之意

  I will give him what support I can. = I will give him as much support as I can. 我将尽我的能力支持他。(can 后省略 give.)

  Please show him what pictures (或 all the pictures) that you have taken. 请将你拍的全部照片拿给他看。

  She may operate what computers there are left in the room. 本房间内的计算机她都可以操作。

  Please lend me what(或 whatever)reference books you have on this subject. 请借给我你所有的有关这个课题的参考书。

  六、what 作感叹词用,修饰可数名词单数时,必须用不定冠词

  What a nice day it is! 多么美好的一天啊!

  What a beautiful house she lives in! 她住的房子多么漂亮啊!

  what a moving story it is!多么感人的故事啊!

  what delicious cake it is!多么美味的蛋糕啊!

  七、what 可引出比较状语从句,这时 what 可用 as 来代替

  Teachers are to the education industry what (或 as) gardener are to garden. 老师的作用对于教育行业来说,犹如花园里的园丁。

  This nucleus is to the cell what Beijing is to China, and London to Britain. 细胞核对于细胞来说,犹同北京对中国以及伦敦对英国。

  八、what 的常用结构

  I. 可将 what you call…, what we call…, what is called…, what is known as… 等结构当作修饰语来看,形容后面跟上的名词或其词组,表示“所谓的……”之意。有时还可用 name 和 term 来代替上述结构中的 call。从词义来看,这里 what 仍作 that which 讲,为名词性从句,但从简化理解和英译汉角度考虑,把它当作修饰语来看,能加速理解和翻译.

  In this book you can find what is called (或 what you call)game theory . 在这本书里你能找到所谓的博弈论。(本句内也可以用 what we call, what is termed, what you name 或 what is known as 等代替之。)

  He is, what is called, a living dictionary. 他就是大家所称呼的“活字典”。

  注:so- called 也作“所谓的”讲,多半表示贬义的'语气。例如:That is the so-called civilized world. 那就是所谓的文明世界。

  II. what 的其它常用词组

  What ever (或 on earth, the devil, the hell) are you talking about? 你们究竟在谈论什么啊?

  What if he does not come?(如果)他不来怎么办?

  Come what will (或 may), I am prepared for it. 不管发生什么事,我为此做好了准备。

  We usually think of metals as solid objects, but what about mercury, which is a common metal? 我们通常把金属看作固体,但对于常见的金属汞怎么说呢?

  What about going abroad now? 现在去国外怎样?(本句 what about 后用动名词短语,故与前句用法不同。但这两句都是省略句形式。)

  What else will he do in the workshop? 他在车间里还将做什么呢?(what else 原义为“还有什么”。)

  What with studying English and what with writing, my time is wholly taken up. 一则由于学英语,再则由于写作,我的时间全被占了。

  What through the weather and what through the heavy load on board, the ship was late in getting to port. 一方面由于天气不好,一方面由于负载过重,船抵港口迟了。

  What is that for? 那是为了什么?

  Not a person but what tells a lie. 没有一个人是不说谎的。(but what 表示后面句子是否定意思。)

  What is more, he is not easy to deal with. 更为甚者,他不是一个省油的灯。(what is more 作插入句用。)

  She is a good scholar, and what is better, a good teacher. 她是一位优秀的学者,而且是一位好老师。(句中what is better 作插入句用。译为“而且”是意译,不等于作连词用。)

  What was (still) worse, it began to blow hard. (更)糟糕的是,开始刮起了大风。(what was still worse 作插入句用。)

  九、what 用法判别

  I. 句末出现问号,句首的 what 一般作疑问词用。what 后面有它所修饰的名词,则作“什么的”、“什么样的”讲。what 没有它所修饰的名词,则一般作“什么“、“什么东西(或事情)”讲。但句末出现介词 like,则该词组作“怎么样的”讲。

  II. 句末出现惊叹号,句首 what 一般作“多么”讲。

  III. what 从句的判别可按下列方式进行:若在主从复合句中去掉 what 引导的从句后,主句就缺少某个成分, what 从句就顶那个成分用,于是可确定 what 引导的是主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句或介词宾语从句了。

  Ⅳ. what 从句作主语从句时,其谓语用单数还是复数,要由主语从句的意思来选定。例如:

  What he said is quite correct. 他说的话很正确。

  What he gave me are a personal computer and an electronic dictionary. 他给我的东西是一台个人计算机和一本电子辞典。

  Ⅴ. 句末没有问号或惊叹号时,what 作疑问词用还是作“…the thing(或 things)which…”讲,就要结合具体句子进行比较,取其中符合逻辑的一种译法。例如:

  These are what he left here. 这些就是他留下的东西。(把 what 译为“什么”就不妥。)

  Time aspect is what we have to take into consideration。时间因素是我们应该考虑的(把 what 译为“什么”就不妥。)


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what的用法和判别  导语:what一词应用广泛,它的用法,是高中学生学习的难点,也是考试的重点内容。以下是小编为大家精心整理的what的用法和判别,欢迎大家参考!  一、what 作&ld