How to Keep Healthy 如何保持健康英语作文

文/ 且听风吟 时间: 新概念作文

People often ak and are aked that what i the mot important thing in life. Some people anwer that family i the mot important and other ay love, work or money. In my opinion, health i the mot important in life. However, how to keep healthy?


Firtly, being poitive. A poitive attitude toward life mut be good to health. It alo bring you power to overcome dieae. Secondly, taking exercie regularly. Taking exercie regularly or even every day help you build a h2 body which i the bae of health. Exercie can improve the ability of the body to fight dieae. Thirdly, making friend, becaue friendhip i an important part to influence your health. Many tudie how that people with a wide range of ocial contact get ick le than thoe who don't. I alway feel better when I am with friend than when I am alone. Finally, eating properly, having good ret and building normal daily routine are alo important to health.


Health i a problem we hould attach importance to. Only build a healthy body can u live a better life.


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《How to Keep Healthy 如何保持健康英语作文》

People often ak and are aked that what i the mot important thing in life. Some people anwer that family i the mot important and other ay love, work or money.