
文/ 梦无畏 时间: 优秀作文

Zhang Yaqi: In the evening, mom comes off work came home, cover Dai Qi to prepare to wash dirty clothes of Yang Yang with respect to handle. Mom takes soap, make a round trip on the dress rub. Passed a little while, yang Yang keeps operation, he sees mom is so painstaking, go carrying water to mom at once. He is carrying hot water to go to the side of mom, say to mom: “ mom, you became thirsty, I carried a cup of water to be drunk to you. ” says, yang Yang handed mom water. Mom says: “ this is I had drunk the sweetest water! They laughed at ” together.


Zhu Xinyi: One day father and mom were away on official business, only the grandma is in the home. The grandma sees one pile dirty clothes, put the clothes in big salver then, taking washboard to begin to wash the dress. Laugh laugh at toilet, see the grandma is washing the dress. Laugh laugh say: “ grandma, you are certain and thirsty, I go helping you pour a cup of water. ” laughs then laughed to go a cup of water, the grandma saw laugh. Father and mom came back to see, praised laugh. Laugh laugh listened to a heart in very happy, from now on he helps father mother do chore everyday.


Tang Chen hopes: Why are you “ mom wash the dress? ” asks obviously. Mom says: “ is not in the home today because of the grandma, father also is away on official business, so I am washing the dress. ” says, mom rub garment board is put in washbasin, begin to wash the dress. See mom washs the dress obviously so painstaking, poured a cup of hot water to mom. Say obviously: “ mom, this is the water that pours to you. ” mom laughs, say: “ obviously, you are good child. You were brought up again! ” becomes very happy in the heart obviously. Grandma came back to hear of this thing, also praised obviously, obviously happier.


Zheng Hao: Mom is washing the dress today, small shined to carry a cup of tea to give mother. Mom says: “ thank is small bright! ” is small bright say: “ does not have a thing, mom. ” mom was laughing to drink water, him feeling washs the dress to have interest much. Mom says: “ is small bright, you are really sensible! ” is small bright say: “ mom, you worked hard! ”


Chen Tao day: Today, obviously domestic washing machine is bad, so mom can wash the dress with the hand only. See mom is in rub dress, water obviously machine poured a cup of water. Say to mom obviously: You drink “ mom saliva, take a rest. ” mom says: “ thanks you obviously, you are the gift that god gives mother. ” laughed obviously, in the heart very glad.


Zhang Zhen : Today is a sunny day, mom is washing the dress. I poured a cup of hot water to mom, mom says: “ good child, you are really good! ” I am very glad, say to mom: I come to “ , I come to mom wash! ” mom says: “ you are small still, won't wash the dress, still be I come! ”“ I am not small, I should help mom do bit of thing. I say ” . Mom says: “ you are grown, help mom work again! ”


Wang Haoyu: Mom is washing the dress, wash very hard. Xiaoming poured a cup of water to give mother, mom says to Xiaoming: “ thanks Xiaoming. ” Xiaoming says: “ you're welcome, mom. ” next Xiaoming washs the dress together with mom. After be being washed, mom is complimentary Xiaoming: “ Xiaoming, you were brought up, can have helped mom work. ” Xiaoming replies: “ mom you are painstaking also! ”


Ma Jiayuan: Xiaoming classeses are over return the home, he sees mom is washing the dress, very painstaking. Mom wants wash over and over. Thinking in Xiaoming heart, I was brought up, I should help mom do bit of business. Think consider is worn, xiaoming made the move, he gave mother water end, xiaoming says: “ mom, you worked hard, full marks / drink tea please! ” mom says: “ Xiaoming, thank you, ”“ need not wither, I should do this. ” Xiaoming replies.


Old Zuo : One day, mom is washing the dress, xiaoming sees mom is so painstaking, pour water to mom. Xiaoming goes gladly to the side of mom, say to mom: “ mom, I see you wash the dress so tired, so I poured a cup of water to you designedly. ” mom says: “ Xiaoming, you are really sensible! ”“ is then must ah! ” Xiaoming answer says. Mom says: “ you are god gives my best good-for-nothing or queer character really! ” is final, xiaoming and mom are held in the arms was in one case.


Weng Minjie: Arrived on Saturday, strange strange see a grandma washing the dress hard. Strange strange say: “ grandma you became tired, do I carry a cup of tea to had come to you? ” grandma says: “ is good, my as it happens became thirsty. ” is strange strange run into a kitchen in, pour the water of hot water crock in water cup, walk along a grandma slowly next before, take water cup to the grandma. The grandma says: “ thanks you to surprise. ” is strange strange say: “ need not wither, grandma. ”


Ni Xiaorong: Mom comes off work today already at 12 o'clock, but she washs the dress even. Xiaoming awakes in the middle of the night, see mom still washs the dress in toilet, say to mom: “ mom you are painstaking, I pour a cup of tea to you! ” mom says: “ Xiaoming, you are good child of mom really, xiaoming you are grown also. ” Xiaoming poured a cup of tea with respect to side mom, mom says: “ thanks Xiaoming. ” Xiaoming says: “ need not wither, I should do this. ” washs the dress, they slept quietly.


He Xinyi: Mom is washing the dress today, small bright see weather very hot poured a cup of water to mom. Small bright say: “ mom you are painstaking, drink water please. ” mom says: “ is small bright you are grown, can help mom pour water. ” is small bright say: I see “ mom you are very tired, pour a cup of water to you so. ” mom is touched very much, say: “ is small bright, you are really good, wait for me to wash the dress to take you to go out to play! ”


Guo Zixuan: Today, mom just came off work to begin to wash the dress hard. It is the garment that use rub first board rub dress, reoccupy hand kneads the dress. At this moment Xiaoming says: “ you are painstaking today, drink a cup of water! ” mom says: “ a little while. ” passed a little while, xiaoming carries water cautiously. The head that mom touchs Xiaoming laughs say: “ Xiaoming was brought up eventually. ”


Cai Shiyun: Have meal mother washing the dress. Xiaoming saw, know mom is crouching to wash the dress very painstaking, say: “ mom you are painstaking, I carry a cup of water to you. ” mom says: “ is good, thank Xiaoming. ” Xiaoming carried a cup of water from the kitchen, go to the side of mom to say: “ mom, water end came, caution is very hot! ” mom says: “ thanks Xiaoming! ”


Jiang Yuhao: A day night, xiaoyuan and mother eat a meal, mom takes glove and rub garment board washs the dress. Mom is taking rub garment board washs the dress seriously. At this moment, xiaoyuan came, see mom is very tired, xiaoyuan says: “ mom I pour a cup of water to you. ” mom says: “ is good. ” pours water small yuan with respect to cautious ground then, send to the side of mom. Mom says: “ thanks you, xiaoyuan you are really good! ” Xiaoyuan says: “ need not wither, mom, I should do this. ”


Zhou Ye but: Today is on Saturday, small just doing work, mom is washing the dress. Mom is thirsty, mom says: Is “ small firm can you help mom pour a cup of water? ” is small just said: “ is good. Small strong very small character gives ” mother carry a cup of water. Mom is drunk, say: “ is small firm, you are a good child really! ”







Zhang Yaqi: In the evening, mom comes off work came home, cover Dai Qi to prepare to wash dirty clothes of Yang Yang with respect to handle. Mom takes soap, mak