
文/ 梦无畏 时间: 优秀作文

Come to this world when you, a muddled, when the have little physical strength, they are your hand and feet.


Opening innocent eye to meet this universal time, they are your protective god and your safe harbors.


The baby-sitter of the meticulously in the life, accompany the teacher that learns below your lamp and friend.


You reach big bank as a child, it is the investor that lays career and life foundation for you.


After manhood, in you the most helpless, the most abjection, most the warm bosom that when having bad luck, stretchs to you.


They, it is you the closest, the parents that loves most. —— preface


Stand in the crossroad that grow, slow ah what slow turn one's head has gone is street, it seems that each are keeping father and mother deeply impress, cannot efface, also cannot forget. Silently follow we till eventually old. Turn over memorial album, each pieces of photograph is happy group photo, each pieces go up is an affectionate song, mild and indirect is rising and falling, small the cry of animals is shallow sing.


Parents, it is our support. Had a dream, father can prop up us to fly with arm. Had disappointment, the mother can comfort us with bosom not confused. Had glad, father drinks gladly to meet, had tired tired, the mother will be tender go make the bed. All the way scenery, gallop all the way, hold the post of dust of all over the sky of sand blown by wind to fly upwards, parents goes in us as before beside.


The Tong Zhen years of recall ignorance, that yes parents is that heroic creator of the universe in Chinese mythology in myth. For our since the beginning of the history, good luck everythings on earth. And year young we issue health to grow in parental shelter however. Await in those days, always feel parents is omnipotent, the day thinks they won't produce pains really.


Elapse as days, years fritter away, originally tall figure is in gradually stoop, light appearance is in primary the current year to age slowly. At that time parents is peremptory that I in becoming fokelore is fair, move for us stone moves hill, eliminate hardships and dangers. Dragging that pair of anile body from beginning to end, the Lu Shangqing that goes before us sweeps a barrier.


Opening the parents beside silently, on the head many gave white hair, frontal eminence gave birth to furrow. Green no longer, years already passed. Still accompanying us to had walked along 1000 hill from what do not abandon however 10 thousand water. Probably at that time, we should understand what is love: That is two family members in our life, pay everything, never regret, the seas run dry and the rocks crumble, bottle turn the star moves. That is grow in us two bright lamp on the road, enlightened the road of the travel before us. Lamp withered oil is used up, never abandon. Month of spring flower autumn, have you all the way.


Love, and appreciate. Because, have you all the way.





讽刺父母只关心成绩的句子 感恩父母图片

在家无聊的说说 宅在家的最经典说说


Come to this world when you, a muddled, when the have little physical strength, they are your hand and feet.当你来到这个世界上,一片懵懂,手无缚鸡之力时,他们是你的手