
文/ 梦无畏 时间: 优秀作文

In the season of colour profusion, I encounter you.


—— preface


Encounter your —— rain during springtime


Encounter you, in the spring of beautiful Wen Wan. Imperceptible, you stealthily came: Pass by brook gently, brook be in harmony was become spring water; You are piquant ground dub the tip of a tree, the tip of a tree spat green bud; You kiss flower softly, flower showed smiling face; You had run lightly meadow, the meadow restored the vitality former days. You had taken the world, everythings on earth anabiosises, bring people moist, feed the world, you are like a painter, the green that world deck becomes tenderness. In window edge I encountered you, you flap gently tell me —— to spring comes.


In the spring of beautiful Wen Wan, I encountered your —— rain during springtime.


Encounter your —— summer


Encounter you, in the summer of Anacreontic enthusiasm. You are like fire enthusiasticly, gloriously radiant: Summer cicada cries, earth of your illuminate all things, take the leaf so that shine, greener and greener, more and more flourish, illuminate the earth hair is very hotly, touch iron so that stamp his foot continuously. The beamed Shui Boguang issueing a river in you is clear, resemble besprent ablaze diamond, what you take the world that pass, bright and enthusiastic, you bring people light, shined whole world, you are like a painter, the red that world deck becomes scorching sun, outside house I encountered you, you shine enthusiasticly tell me —— to summer arrives.


In the summer of Anacreontic enthusiasm, I encountered your —— summer.


Encounter your —— autumn wind


Encounter you, in pure and fresh and cool autumn. You came, accompanying the season of the bumper harvest: You stroll in the woods, the leaf is furled, complacently is aspersed asperse full marks / , be just as an only beautiful butterfly, in the dancing that there is romance in sky, rotating, fly upwards, yellow leaf of all over the sky, draw gives a beautiful picture scroll; Your ramble is in field, had gone gently, broomcorn bows to you, go up bashfully red face, wheat people dance is worn ear expresses to welcome ardently to you, you kissed them, taking blast an aroma, tell people the news of the bumper harvest, you had taken the world, cool and refreshing and tender, bring people cool, pure and fresh world, you are like a painter, the yellow that world deck becomes a bumper harvest, between hill I encountered you, you are touched downily tell me —— to the autumn comes.


In pure and fresh and cool autumn, I encountered your —— autumn wind.


Encounter snow of your —— winter


Encounter you, in pure and cold winter. You came, wave facile and graceful is aspersed, swirl, accompanying cold wind: You have dance lightly in sky, you are this demon of cold winter. You fall down, house, tree wore white hat, you fall down, the earth built the white blanket with thick layer, you are fluttering in sky, rotating, where to walk along, where to change silver-colored outfit. Heavy snow in succession, confused an eye, have whiteness only. You had taken the world, nobility is elegant, bring people chilly, purify the world, you are like a painter, become world deck silvery white, in, I encountered you outside house, you wave slowly fall tell me, arrived in the winter.


In pure and cold winter, I encountered snow of your —— winter.


Encounter, engrave. We are cherished when the society and be thankful, hold an ordinary heart in the arms, the calm faces all encountering.



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In the season of colour profusion, I encounter you.在色彩缤纷的季节里,我遇见你。—— preface——题记Encounter your —— rain during