
文/ 梦无畏 时间: 优秀作文

Green campus life is precious, green meaning depends on perfecting ego, continuous study, ceaseless development. Chen Duxiu Ceng Zandao: "Youth if early spring, be like a morning sun, be like 100 grass stir, the new hair that is like sharp at Xing, the period with the most precious life also. Of the youth at the society, still fresh and lively in the body. " life of our each days of campus is to be full of up of spark, precious.


"I announce, middle school of door of sea of new short for the Yihe River and attached school athletic meeting of the first fall, begin now! " as the president make fall, stirring autumn is far move can begin eventually! Whole playground boiled several years rise, each athletes go all out in work in do all one can move, effort is worn, the athletes that the classmates on bleachers also pull big voice to be him class are cheered encouraging, classmates in adolescent vigor and the activity that are in the school enthusiasticly at the moment to the top of one's bent brandish is being aspersed, the enthusiasm on the playground wanted excessive to go out almost.


At the moment, 7 grade (8) athletes also are in the everybody of the class to going all out in work for the ground of honorary do all one can of class, on circuit brandish is aspersing sweat. Look! As the gun that send signal " bang! " the ground gun is noisy, of our class " athletic young prince " fine grain report resembles Russia " Yaersi RS-24 missile " general instant " fly " go out, his able-bodied short leg is stridden rapidly back and forth move, sole just touched the ground to leave, the first when firm quietly runs in team of 1000 meters of long-distance running.


"Each with respect to bang of ~~ of each ~~ provision! " after gun has rung, the 2nd group of 1000 meters of long-distance running set out! The XXX moment that sees our class only rushed out, also erupted on bleachers one cheers sound. Abrupt, XXX is in not far place stagger from start of a race, was in accidentally on the ground. How to return a responsibility? The classmates on bleachers stood, wear towards accident local look around. Original, it is a player blundered when changing to the first XXX, brought about him to fall apart heavily.


XXX sits on the ground, the place that covering to fall is moaning bitterly. The sweat with big beans bead appear from his forehead, slip anxiously again the forehead that issues him. His double eye lock, pieces mouth is big are worn, still baring a tooth, appearance is exceeding and screwy because of acuteness ache. But his delay one delay, look gradually far go at a gallop team, helping knee reluctance station up to have a body. He is big are panting, remain the same sinister in appearance, but strode a leg strongly again, bearing ache by force to insisting to run ahead. In that momently, remained only in his heart hold to, the win honour for that it is a class, and after be in knee brain of brought acuteness and aching park, firm and stubborn at a gallop. Double leg is not his already, belong to the anguish that knee transmits and the belief of the win honour for that it is a class however. That momently, his body form is to fold so lofty, the ray that the whole body flares it seems that.


He is our Trojan, our light!


Finally, although his victory that hold to and did not change the game, but he wins in us forever in 8 each the individual's heart!


This achievement will be the the most colorful movement in his youth, brightest star momently. He was that day namely that the most dazzling star in night sky, it is the greatest, triumphal loser.



半命题作文: 难忘那———




30段亲情格言 经典语录


Green campus life is precious, green meaning depends on perfecting ego, continuous study, ceaseless development. Chen Duxiu Ceng Zandao: "Youth if early spring,