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  英语三分钟对话演讲稿 篇1

  We've all been taught that we should help people. It is the right thing to do and will make us popular with others. It may even win us favors in return. However, we must be realistic. We can't say yes to every request. If we did, we would fail or go crazy for sure. Sometimes we simply don't have the time to help. In this case, we must know how to say no politely.

  When we need to say no, here is one method we can try. First, we should tell the truth. If we really can't do something, we should just say so. Second, we should remember to refuse requests politely. We must communicate clearly, but must also be sincere and sympathetic. A true friend will understand. Finally, we must not feel guilty about saying no. Sometimes refusing others is the right thing to do. It can save ourselves, and them, a lot of trouble. In short, we cannot please everyone all the time. Refusing favors is a part of life.

  英语三分钟对话演讲稿 篇2

  Everybody good afternoon:.

  First of all thank the teacher gave me a story in my own future ideal job.

  Everyone has a dream job. My dream is to become a boss, own a company.

  In order to achieve my dreams, I need to find a good job, to accumulate some experience and wealth, it is the necessary things

  Of course, in the school good achievement and rich knowledge is also very important. Good achievement and rich experience can let me work to make the right choice, have more opportunities and achievements.

  At the same time, communication is very important, because it determines whether my company has a good future development. So I need to exercise their communicative ability. I need to use all of the free time to learn all. Because I believe, there is nothing in the world can shake my determination.

  You will be successful, as your own efforts. So seize the time, we have no time to waste.

  Nothing in the world can change their patience ( confidence ).

  英语三分钟对话演讲稿 篇3

  Everyone is attracted by beauty and beauty is powerful. But what is true beauty? Perhaps you can get the answer from the following story.

  This morning I went to the market to buy some vegetables with my parents. On the way we all highly praised a young man in western-style clothes and leather shoes who was riding by. But he rode so fast that he knocked an old lady down carelessly.Instead of stopping, he pretended not to see this and rode away quickly. We were all very angry with the young man. To our happiness, a girl in plain dress ran forward at once, helped the lady up and took her home. We all praised the girl.

  From this we know we cannot judge a person by his appearance. A person who is dressed beautifully may not have a beautiful soul.

  who has a beautiful soul is really beautiful.

  英语三分钟对话演讲稿 篇4

  most people would like to be popular with others, but not everyone can achieve this goal. what is the secret to popularity? in fact, it is very simple. the first step is to improve our appearance. we should always make sure that we stay in good shape and dress well.

  when we are healthy and well-groomed, we will not only look better but also feel better. in addition, we should smile and appear friendly. after all, our facial expression is an important part of our appearance. if we can do this, people will be attracted to our good looks and impressed by our confidence.

  another important step is developing more consideration for others. we should always put others first and place their interests before our own. its also important to be good listeners; in this way people will feel comfortable enough to confide in us. however, no matter what we do, we must not gossip.

  above all, we must remember to be ourselves, not phonies. only by being sincere and respectful of others can we earn their respect. if we can do all of the above, i am sure popularity will come our way.

  英语三分钟对话演讲稿 篇5

  Hi everybody.

  I am so glad to give my speech to you here.Now I will start my topic about The Dream English,as you know ,The Dream English plans to put our dream come true.When I was a little boy ,I was so curious about english as long as I heard someone speak english around me,so I am very interested in english.Thank for The Dream English,I have a chance to learn more about english which is about life and study.In my opinion,english is not only a language but also a study.It contains much useful knowledge and life experience,if we all try our best to learn about it,such as its background and its history,we can regard it as a tool to make contribution to ourselves and our country.

  Thats all my speech,thank you.

  英语三分钟对话演讲稿 篇6

  Good afternoon ,ladies and gentlemen!I’m very honored to stand here and give you a short speech! my topic is Opportunities and Challenges.First, I would like to know, what does your destiny offer you? Happiness, wisdom, a strong body or something else. If I had asked this question to president Nixon, he would probably had said,”Our destiny offers not the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity.”Needless to say, one of the biggest opportunities given to China is the 2008 Olympic Games. Till now, we have used two sevenths of the preparation time. How much changes have you seen? New roads, new subway lines, public-exercising equipments with beautiful colors, large blocks of grass fields, and also lots of modern gyms which are under construction.Other than those, there are even more good effects brought to us by the Olympic Games that cannot be seen directly. For example, more and more people will get to know China. I’m sure the mysterious Chinese culture will attract them strongly. And the games will also do good to the economy and environment, for it is gaining the attention of foreign investors and the awareness of environmental protection is being strengthened. What is more, Olympic Games give a unique opportunity to inspire and educate a new generation of Chinese youth with the Olympic values and the Olympic spirit. Now that we have seen so many advances, could you even imagine us losing the holding rights?I’ve already said a lot about the Olympics and China. But I think everyone should use some time to think of this question, ”Does the Olympic Games have any special meaning to you?”For us, I mean the Chinese youth, 2008 Olympic Games is a tremendous gift. Because what we are waiting for is to do something significant as repaying the love given to us .The society is just like a ship, and in our dreams the captain is waving his hand and saying ”Hey! Come here and take the helm! ”How charming his voice is, but we have never heard of it in our true life. This morning, however, when we wake up, we will see the Olympic Games waving its hand. After chewing, most of us will have at least one plan about what to do for the Olympic Games. And mine is to be a “comforter” ----that is someone who will give comfort to others.At the end of my speech, I hope all the preparation will go well, and everyone will show their ability to the world. Let us seize opportunities and give a big smile to challenges.

  英语三分钟对话演讲稿 篇7

  Good afternoon, everyone!The topic of my speech today is “Being a Good Listener”.Good listening can always show respect, promote understanding, and improve interpersonal relationship.Many people suggest that parents should listen more to their children, so they will understand them better, and find it easy to narrow the generation gap; teachers should listen more to their students, then they can meet their needs better, and place themselves in a good relationship with their students; students should listen more to their classmates, thus they will help and learn from each other, and a friendship is likely to be formed.What I want to stress is that each of us should listen more to others. Show your respect and never stop others till they finish their talk; show you are interested by a supportive silence or a knowing smile; be open-minded to different opinions even though you don’t like them. In a word, good listening can really enable us to get closer to each other.Thank you for your listening!

  英语三分钟对话演讲稿 篇8

  A:HI,where is your hometown

  B:Hi,My hometown is a small villagein but a nice place in HeNan,

  C:HeNan is a province which is located in middle part of china!

  D:Yes,i know.

  A:So,houw about you,

  B:i'm from zhejiang ,it is a beautiful place.

  C:i'm from jiangxi ,it is a beautiful place,too.

  D:i'm from yunnan ,it is a beautiful place.Do you know LiJiang,It is very good place for travelling.

  A:Yes.I know,I had ever been there,It is great !

  B:Hangzhou is amazing city,i know,Do you think so?

  C:Yes,last year i had been there!

  D:It sounds great!I want to travel now!

  A:we can go there toghter next time ,Ok?

  B:Yes ,great!

  C:why not?


  英语三分钟对话演讲稿 篇9

  A: Have you heard the city has passes a law against walking dogs in the streets?

  B: Sure, it’s published in the newspapers.

  A: It means that dogs have to be kept inside all the time.

  B: It’s rather cruel, isn’t it? We shouldn’t be so cruel to dumb animals.

  A: But dogs often leave a mess from their dogs.

  B: But owners can clean up the mess from their dogs.

  A: Would they?

  B: Perhaps the best solution is to build a dog park. Then people can walk their dogs there.

  A: Sounds too good to be realistic. The city is already too crowed without the dogs.

  英语三分钟对话演讲稿 篇10

    Xiao Ling is on her way to the dormitory. She drops a book and Yani and Songtao who happen to be right behind her, pick up the book and give it back to her.

  Y: Excuse me, is this your book?

  X: Thank you so much.

  Y: You are welcome. Are you a new admit?

  X: yes. I just came to register yesterday. My name is Xiao ling. Nice to meet you.

  Y: My name is Yani. Nice to meet you, too. This is my friend since childhood, Songtao.

  S: hi! We both came from xxx.

  X: really? I am from there too. We are all town fellows aren’t we?. It’s such a small world.

  Y: absolutely. We both majored in computer science. What’s yours?

  X: accounting. I don’t really like it. But my parents said this school offers excellent accounting programs and it will be easier for me to get a job later on.

  S: I picked my own major because I know what I want. I just like computers a lot. I would like to be a computer programmer in the future.

  Y: Well, I don’t know wether I really like it or not. I just follow Songtao where he goes.

  X: I feel bad for those students who make it to the top but had to quit school because of short of money.

  S: My parents paid some of my tution and I said to myself that I want to be somebody. But no matter how much I do, I will never be able to repay parents for what they do for me.

  X: yeah. I agree with you.

  S: look. The boys are playing basketball now. I will join them. See you !

  X: let’s keep in touch, ok?

  Y: ok. Here is my cell phone number.

  X: this is mine. I am so glad to meet you. Take care!

  Y and S: bye!

  英语三分钟对话演讲稿 篇11

  A: Hello, 954122

  B: Hello! Is that Tom?

  A: Yes, speaking.

  B: Tom, this is Hack, Fred is ill in hospital.

  A: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.

  B: I want to see him. Do you know the way to the North Street Hospital?

  A: Yes. You can take the No.27 bus. Get off at the North Street. Then go along the road, take the first turning on the right. Walk on and turn left.

  You’ll find it in front of you.

  B: Thank you very much.

  英语三分钟对话演讲稿 篇12

  Hello,my name is liujianmin, and I am an ENT associate professor.

  Good afternoon, doctor Liu.

  Could I have your name and date of birth, Please

  My name is wangyongkuan,and 32 years old.

  I'm going to ask you a few questions about how you fell?

  No problem.

  Is that OK for you ?

  I’m OK

  What brought you in today?

  My headaches, I’m really get fed up of these headaches

  Where it hurts?

  My forehead

  Could you point it to me exactly where it hurts?

  Yes, over here.

  When did you begin to notice it?

  Three months ago.

  Was the onset acute or gradual?

  It has been gradual

  What sort of pain it is?

  It’s dull pain

  Was it on and off?

  Yes, it is intermittent

  Does it radiate to anywhere else when you felt the pain?

  No, it’s localized

  Do you also feel stuffed-up nose, sneeze, fever, or runny nose,and so on ?

  Yes, I have a runny nose, stuffed-up nose. But I’ve not noticed any fevers.

  How long does it last each time?

  Maybe five hours, serious in the morning, and less in the afternoon

  How often does it happen?


  Does it get worse at a certain time?

  Yes, the headaches do tend to be worse in the morning

  What makes you feel better or worse?

  It alleviated after exercise, if my stuffed-up nose relieved, I feel better

  How bad it is on a scale from 0 to 10?

  About 3

  What do you think the problem is?

  My problem is headache and stuffed-up nose

  Is there anything ,in particular, that’sworrying you?

  I'm afraid I have a lesion in my head

  What were you hoping I’d be able to do for you today?

  I hope you can give me a clear diagnosis and treatment plan.






  英语三分钟对话演讲稿 篇1  We've all been taught that we should help people. It is the right thing to do and will make us popular with others. It may e