
文/ 星启 时间: 主题作文
【1】历年英语四级作文 【4】2021年英语四级作文
【2】2023年英语四级作文 【5】2020年英语四级作文
【3】2022年英语四级作文 【6】2019年英语四级作文


  历年英语四级作文 1

  Several decades ago, it should be a marvelous wonder to purchase our favorite gifts only by clicking the mouse and then just waiting for the door knock by a smiling expressive delivery courier with the exact package you ordered. While, today, it is no long a rare case. Combined with the fast food, the digital communication , online shopping has been a common part of our life.


  Admittedly, on line shopping offers magical convenience. For example, it saves time and offers numerous choices since floods of information can be supplied on Internet. While, every coin has tow sides and online shopping is no different. Have you still remembered the annoying time when you found the commodities you buy on Internet was not the slightest as what you had expected and long time had to be taken for its replace and even compensation. Actually, just with the seemingly beautiful pictures of the products on Internet, it is hard for us to make rational choices. After all, seeing is believing.


  Then, what should we do? The foremost is to enforce establish some relevant laws and regulations, with strong supervision over some shopping websites being reinforced as well. Then, the consumers also should be equipped with more alert in case of being trapped once again. Remember, any fast–and- easy things asks for big prices to be paid


  历年英语四级作文 2

  Is Offering Seats Compulsory for Young Bus Riders?


  In recent years, there have been many disputes about young’givings seats to the elderly on buses. Some people maintain that the elderly are physically weak and are more prone to falling and getting hurt when standing on a moving bus. Therefore, young people, especially those taking the priority seats, have obligation to offer the seats to senior citizens to prevent potential hurt.


  Some people, however, think the other way. Young passengers, they say, pay for the bus trip, so they enjoy the same right as the senior citizens to use the seats on the bus. Besides, many young riders, though physically strong, can’escapet being exhausted by a day ’ s work and are in great need the seats on the buses toorcing.Fo them to give up the seats seems inhuman and unfair.


  In my view, whether it is compulsory for the young to give up their seats to needy riders depends on the kind of seats they take. In general, it is a moral requirement for young passengers on regular seats to do so. However, for those sitting on priority seats, it is a legal obligation.


  历年英语四级作文 3

  In recent years more and more universities have built up their branch campuses in suburban areas. Now it is very difficult to find a university without a branch campus. Maybe no one can tell clearly when the first branch campus came out.But the reasons behind this phenomenon are obvious.


  Among these reasons, the enrollment expansion of universities plays a very vital role. As more and more freshmen are remitted to universities, the original facilities, including classrooms, apartments, dining houses, laboratories and the like, are not enough any more. What’ smore, the land in the suburb is relatively low in price, which is affordable for most universities. Besides, the quiet environment in suburban areas is more suitable for students to study.


  As a college student, I think, it is necessary and beneficial for many universities to build up a branch campus. However the building of branch campuses brings some problems. For one thing, the students in some branch campuses cannot enjoy good enough facilities and the teachers due to limited resources. For another it leads to less direct communications among teachers and students. Therefore the university should take a full account before it decides to build up a branch campus.


  历年英语四级作文 4

  Everyone expects to succeed in whatever he/she does.Unfortunately no one is always successful in all his / her life, not even such great people as Marx, Mao, Madam Currie and Einstein. Different people hold different attitudes towards failure. Some people become discouraged and are even defeated by failure, while some other people learn lessons from, failure and continue their efforts.


  There is no denying that failure is a bad thing, but "Bad things can turn to good things." It all depends on how we deal with it. If we are pessimistic, we will lose heart. If we are optimistic, we will see hope. I really have sympathy for those who, being badly hurt by failure, lose self confidence and confidence in life. However, I have even greater admiration for those who, being stimulated by failure, go on straight forward to achieve success.


  I believe in the saying "Failure is the mother of success." If I fail, I will try again, If I fail again. I will try and try again.


  历年英语四级作文 5

  There are many precious qualities to be a good man, and for a qualified college student, I think he should possess such qualities as honesty, ambition, and a sense of responsibility.


  To begin with, honesty is the best policy. It is what a young man could rely on to establish his career and reputation. A liar might take advantage of others trust once, but it could seldom happen again. Therefore, a qualified college student should be an honest man at least.


  Secondly, ambition is necessary for a young man who is in his prime to seek his dreams. As is often said, cease to struggle and you cease to live. So be ambitious and never regret. Furthermore, a qualified college student should be a man with a sense of responsibility and a man who dares to face the consequences of his own deeds. Only this kind of people could steer the ship of the economic construction in China.


  To conclude, there are far more good qualities than those above. But a qualified college student should be at least honest, ambitious, and responsible.


  历年英语四级作文 6

  A recent investigation shows that about 80 percent of pupils have private tutors.Such a popular practice indicates that people are attaching greater importance to education. Many parents, for various reasons, missed the chance of obtaining a good education.


  When their children meet with difficulties in study, they are helpless. Private tutoring is the only solution. As private tutoring is usually one-to-one, the teacher knows the strong points as well as the weak points of the pupil clearly.


  However, private tutoring has its own disadvantages. For one thing, it takes up so much of the pupils’ time that they can hardly find enough time for rest and entertainment, which are essential for their physical and mental health. For another, some teachers, busy “shuttling” from one family to another, tend to neglect their regular teaching duties. What’s more, some teachers are eager to help pupils do well in the test, offering the so-called tips for test-taking rather than help them acquire what is more meaningful.


  Generally speaking, its disadvantages outweigh its advantages. Greater emphasis should be laid on classroom teaching and practice, on the improvement of teaching quality and on the tapping of pupils’ potentials. Only in this way can a new generation be healthily brought up.


  历年英语四级作文 7

  Nowadays, campus construction has been brought into focus. According to a survey, almost all the schools and colleges are rebuilding their campus: not only the teaching buildings but also the circumstances. In this essay, I will discuss the importance of campus construction and offer my own view on it.


  A lot of efforts have been made to better the campus environment, in particular, the construction of a green campus. Many colleges have taken serious measures to build environmental friendly campus, such as lawns, artificial pools, and tree-lined roads. However, in my view, this is only the initial step and we can do more.


  To begin with, the schools and colleges may implement strict regulation of waste on campus: no matter the leftovers in canteens or the litter in classrooms. Moreover, on the student side, we can use green bags instead of disposable plastic bags and use more recycling chopsticks and bowls. In addition, the most important thing for everyone is that we should raise our awareness of environmental protection.


  历年英语四级作文 8

  With the development of technology as well as economy, more and more students begin to use their WAP phones to surf the Internet. Admittedly, WAP phones have broughtconvenience to us –surfing the Internetanytime anywhere. Nevertheless, its bad impact can not be ignored.


  In the first place, apart from those who can control themselves, most of the students are addicted to playing with WAP phones. They set study, their main tasks, aside and spend much time on their WAP phones. In the second place, since students can surf the Internet with WAP phones anytime anywhere, they are likely to do it all the time. As a result, they will spend much money on the Internet. Thus, those who are financially dependent on their parents will greatly increase the financial burden on their parents.


  Based on the above, it’s safe to come to the conclusion that it’s advisable for the students to use WAP phones in an appropriate way.


  历年英语四级作文 9

  Correct spelling is a basic skill in English study. However, nowadays many students do not pay much attention to it.


  They have their own reasons for misspelling. First of all, they like an easy way of studying, which causes some omissions and changes in spelling. Second, the teachers might not be very strict in students spelling. In China, teachers seem to be more concerned with grammar and vocabulary but not spelling.


  To change this situation, in my opinion, the teachers and the students should work together. On one hand, the teachers should give more attention to students spelling, asking the students to be conscious of the importance of correct spelling from the very beginning of their English study. On the other hand, the students themselves are supposed to be aware that correct spelling is a must in English study.


  To sum up, correct spelling is so important that both students and the teachers should spare no efforts to achieve correct spelling.


  历年英语四级作文 10

  When it comes to a course that leaves the deepest impression in university, different people stand on different grounds. As for me, the most impressive course in college is “Appreciation of English Movies”, which I like best. I prefer this curriculum to others owing to the following factors.


  On one hand, the professor in charge of this course has impressed me most because she is not only knowledgeable but also patient. More importantly, it is this respectable teacher who spurs my interest to English harder and broadens my horizon as well. Until now, what she said in the class often occurs to my mind.


  On the other hand, there are many discussions in the classroom when we have lessons. We are allowed to talk freely about a movie, the topic ranging from the theme of a film to its casting. So, during the talk, we become increasingly open-minded. And undoubtedly a brain open to everything carries great importance to study, work and life.


  Generally speaking, the course on appreciating English films has impressed me most for it is not only instructive but also entertaining. And therefore, I suggest that more similar courses should be offered in the university.


  历年英语四级作文 11

  Earthquakes may take place anywhere on the earths surface. during all earth quake, the vibrations make the earths surface tremble, and even crack open. houses fall, people are lilled or injured and sometimes whole cities are destroyed.


  can we do something to protect ourselves againstearthquakes? can we take precau tionary measures? we can. scientists have made investigation on earthquakes. they have made maps showing the "earthquake belts". in areas along these belts, earthquakes are likely to occur. in these areas we can build special houses to resist earthquake shocks and protect ourselves.


  in the future, scientists will be able to predict eactly when and where earthquakes will take place. then they will be able to tell people to take precautionary measures. thus lives can he saved and damage can be lessened.


  历年英语四级作文 12

  It is generally believed that a high diploma guarantees a promising future. Some people identify high diplomas with profound knowledge and exceptional competence. Companies also tend to emphasize the academic achievement of a job candidate.


  Like it or not, there does exist a social reality – the higher diplomas one gets, the more popular he becomes. On the contrary, other people claim that a high diploma doesn’t automatically translate into knowledge. A diploma, in their eyes, is only the acknowledgment of one’s educational experience rather than a guarantee of one’s ability.


  Therefore, we can never measure the depth of one’s knowledge by the grade of one’s diploma. Besides, many knowledgeable people don’t have a high diploma. Take Bill Gates for example. His dropping out of college cannot deny the fact that he is one of the world’s most learned men.


  So I must say no one should ever equate a diploma with knowledge,because a diploma is nothing but a proof of a short-term study while genuine knowledge needs one’s lifelong devotion.


  历年英语四级作文 13

  Nowadays, going abroad for studies is enjoying astriking popularity among adolescents. Importanceshould be attached to studying abroad.


  There are a great many advantages of studying overseas. First and foremost,living andstudying abroad offers students a different perspective of the world.


  On a university campus,international students are likely to encounter their counterparts from various countries andareas and are exposed to diverse ideas and values. What is more, overseas experience is thebest opportunity for the real-life use of foreign languages.


  There is no better opportunity toimprove second-language skills than living in the country in which it is spoken. Generally peaking, it is my view that although going abroad is expensive and perhapspainful, the payoff is worthwhile.


  In the first place, in addition to knowledge, overseasstudents can gain precious experiences that those who stay at home will never have.Furthermore, overseas experience, frustrating and painful as it may be, is conducive to thegrowth of adolescents.






  Online learning has become an option because it provides flexible learning opportunities. This method has ensured that students do not get left behind on their academic study, however, some problems have also emerged during the course.

  Since online learning lacks interaction compared with face-to-face teaching, it requires more attention and concentration. Sometimes, students find it so demanding to keep concentrated, and finally turn to some irrelevant online resources instead of academic study. To make sure that they stay tuned, some monitoring software can be ordered to download to ensure they are not browsing other websites while taking online courses. The increasing time students spending in digital devices also pose problems to their health. Thus, schools should encourage their students to do regular exercises such as stretches and eye massages during the break, and some guiding handbooks can be a good start.

  The advance of technology should not come with the cost of loosing its original purpose, so does remote study. So we should do our utmost in doing away its possible detriments to the young.





  Friendship is an indispensable thing in our lives. On our long journey of life, we will encounter various people and make various friends. We should learn how to maintain good friendships with friends or classmates and experience the benefits that friendship brings to us.

  In daily life, we can demonstrate the good character of being helpful when our friends or classmates encounter difficulties, and comfort them when they are feeling down. This is beneficial for maintaining friendship between both parties.

  Having good friendships and getting along well and harmoniously with friends can help us achieve success in our studies. When encountering difficulties in learning, we can not only seek the help of teachers, but also seek the help of friends and classmates. Their answers are also the key to our success in learning. In addition, when encountering difficulties in life that you cannot solve, attentive and enthusiastic friends will also bring warmth to you, which will be something worth remembering for a lifetime.

  In short, friendship is an essential thing in our lives, and with it, our path of life can be smoother.






  Nowadays community service has been placed more importance in our society. As aging society and empty-nest elderly has been proliferating in the entire society, it calls for community service to assist in tending to the elderly and pre-school children.

  To ensure high-quality community service,relevant administrationshould take the lead in putting forward regulations and order to promote a cooperating environment, so that the community staff can better carry out their work, or engage more people to join their cause, for example, organizing voluntary team to help with caring for the elderly residents and pre-school children in the community. In this way, the community as a whole can enjoy a more harmonious and secured rapport, which serves as the basis of any possible development.

  Taking into account what has been mentioned, concerted efforts in the whole society are needed to promote the community’s ability to enhance their service.






  I am bursting with impatience to recommend a wonderful book to all of you——1587, a Year of No Significance, which will not only broaden your knowledge but will also benefit your life.

  The book tells us a story of historical events in recording six historical figures’ lives, in which the social structure and political tension of Ming dynasty are reflected. It offers an inspiring and enlightening perspective on what our ancestors experienced and how we take this as a lesson to solve social problems. What’s more, this book, originally written in English, was translated into Chinese by the author himself. Therefore, the two versions could provide a high-quality reference for our study of English.

  A good book is the best of friends. I give it my highest recommendation without reservation and hope that you could enjoy the book and share your opinion with me.





  In a bid to reduce the common phenomenon of food wasting and cultivate student’s awareness to cherish resources, I propose that we implement a themed activity combating food waste.

  This activity will include comprehensive measures, including putting up posters in the canteen and café,reminding students to cherish food and avoid ordering excessive food. There will also be volunteers from the student union handing out brochures on the theme of food shortage and the importance of everyone’s participation, and this will take place not only in our dining hall, but also in the dormitories, for many students choose food delivery without leaving their dorm. This campaign will last a whole year, and lectures on the severity of hunger and starvation in some poorer regions will be held from 12:00 to 12:30 in the canteen on the last Friday of every month,in order to draw people’s attention to the necessity of cutting down on food waste.

  I look forward to your approval of this proposal, and I am ready to lend a hand if this campaign gets launched.





  Dear fellow students, On behalf of the Students’ Union, I am writing this letter to inform all international students that our university will host an anniversary celebration to honor our university’s splendid history, with the detailed information listed as follows.

  The celebration will be held in the auditorium on this campus on the evening of March 12th, 2023. There will be a brief welcoming address,delivered by the president of our university. Then a short speech will be made by a representative of the alumni association, and after that, there will be some entertainment programs, such as singing, dancing and so forth.

  The Students’ Union will be in charge of this activity, so if anyone who has suggestions or queries concerned, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are looking forward to your participation and presence.








  A Proposal on Improving Library Service

  The school library is an important resource for university study.Making full use of the academic resources in the library can benefitcollege students a lot.However, it fails to meet the demands of studentsin several aspects. It is high time to improve library service.

  One of students’ complaints is insufficient support from librarians, especially when IT support is needed. Therefore, relevant training courses should be offered so that librarians can provide better and timely help. The second aspect is about the opening hours of our library, from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm, which many students think is too short in times of final exams and while preparing for the postgraduate entrance exam. So I suggest that opening hours be extended from 6:00 am to l l :30 pm with help of student volunteers.

  With the above suggestions taken into consideration, I believe,students‘satisfaction will climb, school library will embrace new developmentand our university will have a brighter future.





  A Proposal on Enriching StudentsExtracuicular Activitiles

  To help fellow students better adapt to campus life,I, a sophomore from Chemistry School, am writing to make a proposal on enriching our extracurricular activities.

  The suggested details are as follows. Firstly, health always comes first. Therefore,more sports activities, including different styles of dancing or ball games, can be organized. It would be better if students from dancing majors and P.E School offer professional teaching and training. Secondly, activities related to life skills are necessary, Cooking competitions, either held for individual students or for classes, and psychological ones to relieve stress and keep motivated are good examples. Finally, there should bhe more academic lectures or forums delfvered by dstinguished scholars and professors, both at home and abroad.

  In a world of great uncertainties,our fellow students can be ette prqpured for future leanng and life with the help of these acivitles.





Dear Sir or Madam,

  I hope you are doing great. I am Li Ming, a sophomore majoring in English Language education. I am writing to make suggestions on making an application for improving our school clinic s services.

  The first feature of the application is a website that enables students to express their dissatisfaction about the doctors attitude. Due to the large number of patients, it is quite easy for students to encounter the doctor s impatience, which leads to mental discomfort in the process of seeing a doctor. Moreover, booking a doctor in advance is another useful aspect of this application. With the help of this feature, students can avoid wasting time waiting for the call of doctors, because they need to arrive in the clinic at the time they booked before.

  Thank you for your consideration and I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

  Kind regards,

  Li Ming









Dear Sir or Madam,

  I am a senior of Peking University who is majoring in Education. I am writing this letter to express my interest in the rural volunteer teaching program.

  The reasons why I want to apply for this program are as follows. In the first place, this project offers me a valuable chance to put the novel teaching theory and techniques I have learned in college into practice. In addition, through previous volunteering experience, I have developed enthusiasm and passion for teaching. Finally, as a university student equipped with strong communication and interpersonal skills, I believe that I can accomplish the volunteering work, such as teaching students and organizing extra-curricular activities, in an excellent way.

  Thank you for taking the time to consider this application and I look forward to hearing from you.

  Yours Sincerely,









  On 10th September 2022, our college organized Teachers’Day celebrations. The event took place in the auditorium of the college.

  All the partinents of the college were beautifully decorated by the students. The students of various departments, along with the help of the Students Union, organized a program for the teachers. The program started with the chorus singing the college anthem. Then the English Department performeda play on the theme of Teachers’Day. A student

  from the Chinese Department recited an ancient poem. Students of other departments also performed for their teachers. At the end of the program, the Dean gave a speech, thanking and appreciating all the teachers for their hard work and dedication. All the teachers were

  given a decorated rose flower by the students.

  The entire event ended on a happy note.







Dear Alumni,

  As graduation approaches, students are increasingly concerned about work issues. They will have many questions to ask as they prepare to enter the working world. I would like to invite you to give a speech to share your work experience with the younger students.

  There are many, important factors that graduates should consider to look for the job to which they are best suited. How to write a perfect resume? What are the top priorities when looking for a job? Are advancement opportunities and job stability important? Should the job fit with ones personal interests and skills? There is no formula that can determine what kind of job a student should seek upon graduation. Indeed, every person has different ideas when looking for their first job. I hope you can share your opinion and give some advice to your fellow students.I would appreciate it if you could accept my ivitation! Im looking forward to your reply.

  Yours Sincerely,











  Among college students, there is a heated debate over wheth-er they need to commit time and energy to developing social skills. Many believe that such skills are not as important as the study of major courses, while some have the idea that devel-oping them is of great necessity. As for me, the latter is more reasonable.

  There are a range of reasons accountable for my point of view. Firstly, college students with great social skills usually have more opportunities at schools. They are more likely to be no-ticed by teachers, win some contests, and seize various oppor-tunities. Therefore, they are more confident than their class-mates who are shy and lack such skills. Moreover, when they graduate and enter the workplace, fantastic social skills can help them rapidly create a good impression on their bosses and collegues, which is beneficial for the career development. Besides, in their daily life, social skills can help them make more friends and expand social ties.

  In sum, developing social skills is of great necessity for college students. Not only do these skills help them gain advantages when they compete with their peer groups, but also enable them to conquer difficulties, make more friends and enrich their life.






  It is a truth widely accepeted that a healthy lifestyle plays an important role in college students study and life. Without it, it would be difficult for these young people to gain advantages when they compete with their peer groups.

  There are a range of reasons for my point of view. Firstly, col-lege students who live a healthy life are usually stronger and more energetic, because they lead a regular life, have a habit of taking exercise, and pay attention to their psychological health. Therefore, these young people can meet more chal-lenges and thus have more confidence. Secondly, such lifestyle helps a lot when they graduate and enter the workplace. Healthy and positive young men can definitely create a good impression on their bosses, who will in turn give them more opportunities, which is beneficial for their career develop-ment. Beside, students who lead a healthy life are more charm-ing and attractive, and people around them are fond of making friends with them.

  In sum, it is of great importance for college students to devel-op healthy lifestyle. In order to do so, they can make friends more with those who lead a regular and healthy life, and they should try to form good living habits, such as going to bed and getting up early, taking exercise, and eating healthily.






  With our society developing increasingly faster, people in growing numbers begin to realize that physical exercise plays a key role in our life, our work, and our study. But in reality, we can see that a mass of people, especially college students, do not attach adequate importance to taking physical exercise.

  Physical exercise counts in almost every stage of our life. First-ly, when a student does regular exercise at college, such as running on the sports field, playing badminton with class-mates, and working out at the gym, he can keep fit. Secondly, taking exercise renders students optimistic. According to previ-ous empirical research, physical exercise could help them re-lease pressure, thus leading to a positive attitude towards study and work. Thirdly, in their daily life, such exercise can help them make more friends and expand social ties.

  In sum, taking physical exercise is of great necessity for college students. Not only does it help them stay healthy, but also en-ables them to remain optimistic, make more friends and enrich their life.








  With the continuous progress of science and technology, great changes have taken place in the way people live.This progress has brought great convenience to people. Nonetheless, it has also made many people lazy.

  First, the widespread use of Internet technology, especially smart phones, allows people to know what is happening outside without going out. People just need to pick up a mobile phone, connect to the Internet, and open the corresponding software, then the major eventsof the world will be caught in their eyes.They no longer have to open books and newspapers or go out to get information. Second, the appearance of takeaways has also made people lazier. People can get whatever they want to eat without cooking for themselves or even getting up to go to a restaurant. In addition, online shopping is more enjoyable for people. Many people forgo the tiring activity of going to the mall, instead, they lie in the sofa and just move their fingers. Therefore, the decline in exercise has left many people in declining health.

  To sum up, the ever-changing technology brings convenience to people, but it also makes people lazy.Consequently, while improving the quality of life, people should learn to use science and technology correctly instead of relying on it blindly.





  With the progress ofthetimes, the use of smart phones, computers and other electronic products is becoming more and more common among students.And many students like violentvideogames online.This raises a question, whether violent online games will lead to students’violent tendency?From my point of view,the answer is no.

  First of all, through online games, students can relieve the pressure in real life and find like-minded people to communicate with, which will reduce students’irritable tendency in real life. In this way, these video games will not increase students’ violent tendency. On the contrary, to a certain extent they will reduce students’irritable behaviors.Moreover, online videogames are virtual and the violent elements in the games are unrealistic, and theseviolent scenes can hardly be implemented in real life.So the violence in online games has little impact on real life.

  To sum up, from my point of view, violent online games will not lead to students’violent tendency.The development of science and technology is bound to change people’s way of life, which will bring about a lot of influence on people’s life. It is only necessary for us to learn to use it properly.





  Numerous studies claim that addiction to technology is real and it has the same effect on the brain as drug addiction. First, no one can deny the fact that technology is of great importance to our daily life. However, as a matter of fact, its adverse effect should not be ignored by the public.

  Confronted with such phenomenon, we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. For one thing, it is obvious that the universitiesand mass mediashould increase publicity and educationto encourage people to apply technology more appropriately. For another, we should bear in mind that we are supposed to take a reasonable attitude toward modern technology, andmake its advantages over-weigh disadvantages.

  Personally, I believe that only by doing so can we better ourselves in every aspect of our life. Consequently, I’m confident that a bright future is awaiting us becausetechnologymakes our life rich and colorful.






  A school project of collecting used books was held on campus last Friday. More than 300 students were involved in this activ-ity and almost all of them took it a fairly meaningful way to impart knowledge,according to a survey conducted yesterday.

  The project was organized by the Student Union of our School of Business Administration.Its main aim was to teach students to treasure knowledge and realize the importance of recycling. It also focused on cultivating studentsnotion of sustainable development. The activity was first launched last Monday to make sure that students that were willing to give away their books had enough time to prepare for the project.Last Friday, students who applied for the project brought their books to Professor Lius office and signed their names on the activity list, after which a certificate would be awarded.

  All of the books collected have been displayed in the Recycling Reading Area in the library. Welcome all students to the library to enjoy the specially offered intellectual feast. See you there!





To whom it may concern,

  I’m a junior from Law School . The new semester will begin anda group of newbies are about to arrive .In order to help them adapt to the new environment and academic studies ,I propose that an orientation program should be held during the first week of this September .

  The program is to help freshmen learn what they will confront in the coming college life by passing out necessary materials and explaining their questions about campus activities .So volunteers needed in this program should be those who are sophomores or juniors and are ready to help others . The program will start on1st of next month and all participants should gather at 7 in the morning at the northeast corner of the Main Square to prepare for the leaflets and handbooks which will be distributed to freshmen .As new students are stepping onto the campus , volunteers should help them to carry their luggage ,pass out manuals , answer their possible questions and take them to their own dormitories .

  I believe this program will be successfully held and it will greatly help freshmen to feel welcomed and warm in a strange but friendly environment.

  Best wishes









To whom it may concern,

  On behalf of the Students’ Union, I am writing to make a proposal for the upcoming speech contest. The detailed information about this event will be listed in the following.

  First, I suggest that the contest should be held in the school auditorium at 7 p.m. next Friday. As for the speech topic, "living a healthy lifestyle" would be a good choice, since this subject can draw students’ attention to some social phenomena, such as addiction to computer games. Secondly, the contest will be an English one, which aims to arouse college students’ learning passion for English. As for procedure, it will consist of two rounds of speeches, and all the participants need to submit their speech draft in advance. The planned number of the contestants is 20 and students from every department are qualified to sign up. Finally, the committee is to invite professional teachers to score and some students to form a panel of judges to rate the contestants comprehensively as well. In this way, the best ten contestants can be selected wisely.

  I believe this school-wide event will be successfully held and inspire all the students on campus. I am looking forward to your feedback.

  Best Wishes












  With the development of science andtechnology, we have witnessed the various huge changes of our daily life, amongwhich, the change of communication is striking. However, people’s view on itnever come to consensus. Concerning it, both communication online and offlinehave their merits.

  For one thing, no one denies thatcommunication online brings great convenience to us, especially to those whohave friends or relatives in remote areas. Because the change makes it possiblefor them to have frequent chat. And, the way we contact with others is diverse.Video calls and voice message can both meet modern people’s satisfaction. Foranother, the change is also making us disconnected. Due to the availability,people are gradually reluctant to have face-to-face communication withsurrounding people, which is isolating us from the people we love.

  Given the factors above, the change ofcommunication, we have to admit, is more like a double-edged sword. Neither dowe discard it nor completely rely on it. Instead, we should make reasonable useof it so as to maximize its benefits.





  As a result of technological advance andglobalized division of labor, the transportation we use has seen a lot ofimprovements, bringing us both convenience and challenges.

  There are several major effects that comeafter these changes. First of all, the construction of infrastructure such asrailways, expressways and airports are in full play around the world, whichlays the foundation for modern vehicles to operate. Meanwhile, obsoletevehicles such as carriages and bicycles no longer fit modern roads. Furthermore,both the safety and the capacity of today’s cars, trains and airplanes haveimproved greatly compared to those in operation decades ago, let alone thecomfort level for passengers. These developments have not only shortenedpeople’s travel time, but also accelerated the pace of life and improvedproductivity.

  Aside from the aformentioned advantages ofchanges in transportation, it is also undeniable that some potential negativeeffects lie in these changes. Nevertheless, every coin has two sides, and wemust be convinced that the continual technological research can overcome theflaws of modern vehicles.





  Thanks to the development of moderntechnology, China has witnessed great changes in its way of education recently.Many people are choosing to study online instead of studying in classrooms. Inmy opinion, this change of education has brought various benefits both to thelearners and the educators.

  Firstly, the convenience of online studyhas benefited many learners because they can get access to the rich learningmaterials on the Internet without the limit of time and space. Online learningis especially effective when you need short-term training for exams on skillsor techniques. Secondly, the school faculty are using online courses to teachthe students. In 2020, during the outbreak of novel coronavirus, onlineteaching has ensured numerous students to attend classes through the Internet.

  In summary, the change of from classroomeducation to online education provides more choices to Chinese learners andeducators. These two ways of education can complement each other efficiently ifwe know how to use them in a flexible way.






  Online dictionaries are becoming incresingly popular. More and more students consults online diggerent dictionaries in their computers or other digital ways rather than use a traditional cumbersome paper dictionary through looking up a word from millions of vocabularies.

  The reaons why we prefer online dictionaries are presented in three respects. First, online dictionaries can save us plenty of time. And consulting online dictonaries is a convient way for us so that we can effortlessly and quickly find the required word at all times and places. Besides, online dictionaries can be updated timely.

  In conclusion, online dictionaries are becoming an inevitable part of our daily life as one of the greatest inventions in modern world. We can not only enhance the efficiency of searching words but also stimulate the technological development.





  The use of PowerPoint (PPT) is becoming increasingly popular in class. Teaching materials are presented by many teachers in class with the convenience of PPT, which has been an inevitable part of school life throughout the world.

  The reasons why teachers prefer using PPT as a subsidiary teaching method instead of writing on those traditional blackboards are demonstrated in the following three aspects. First, applying PPT as an approach to present knowledge can save both teachers and students plenty of time for other required parts in class. Moreover, teaching students through PPT is so convenient that teachers can effortlessly and quickly show and change the knowledge only by pressing the remote-controller. Besides, PPT can easily store more information in the digital way, so that teachers can give students the knowledge already learned for review.

  In conclusion, PPT has become one of the greatest inventions in this modern world. Teachers can not only enhance the efficiency of sharing knowledge in class but also enjoy the accompanying diversity brought by this more vivid method.





  Online libraries are becoming increasingly popular. More and more people read books and consult required contents with their mobile phones and computers for information necessary for their study.

  The reasons why we prefer online libraries rather than traditional offline ones are presented in the following three aspects. First, online libraries are so convenient that we can effortlessly and quickly search for information needed at any time and place just by applying digital devices. Moreover, reading through them can save us plenty of time for other things. Besides, online libraries generally store various books due to the unlimited space that updated in time.

  In conclusion, online libraries are one of the greatest inventions in this modern world. We can not only enhance the efficiency of acquiring information and knowledge but also enjoy the technological innovation.


  我们之所以喜欢在线图书馆而不是传统的线下图书馆,原因主要有以下三个方面。首先,在线图书馆非常便利,我们可以毫不费力地、快速地在任何时间和地点通过数字设备搜索所需信息。而且,使用在线图书馆可以为我们节省很多时间去做其他事情。此外,在线图书馆由于空间无 限,及时更新,一般都会存储各种各样的图书。






  In order to help us students to enrich life and broaden horizon, the Student Union organized a meaningful activity on last weekend--visiting the local farm, by which we grasped much useful knowledge about agriculture.

  The farm we visited is located in the suburb of Beijing and far away from our school, which covers an area of 1000 square feet. Along with native foods like rice and potatoes, the farmers on the farm grow many organic vegetables, including corn, cucumbers, tomatoes and so forth. Besides, the farm breeds a host of local species such as dairy cattle, geese, chicken by modern scientific technique. One of the most impressive things for us is that by means of green farming methods, the problem of environmental pollution has been effectively alleviated(减轻,缓解).

  This outdoors activity has a really deep impression for us. Not only did it get us closer to the nature and relieve pressure from us, it also enhance our professional knowledge about husbandry(耕种) technology.





  On June 14, Friday, a volunteer activity where many students took an active part in visiting the local Nursing House was organized by the Student Union and it turns out to be a big success.

  The activity was aimed at encouraging students to visit the elderly at the Nursing House and help elderly people deal with their troubles both physical and psychological. Many students volunteered to participate in this good deed and were engaged in helping the elderly here out by making their meals, washing their clothes and chatting with them. When asked about those volunteers’ feelings about such an experience, all of them responded with a smile, saying “what a wonderful practice and I really appreciate this experience, for it makes me learn to care more for others in need.”

  All in all, the activity turns out to be a success not only for the visited elderly but for those students involved.





  On the morning of June 1st, a group of volunteers from our university’s Student Union paid a visit to a Hope Primary School to help the children there have a happy Children’s Day.

  We arrived at this school at nine in the morning and the children welcomed us warmly. This volunteer activity mainly include three parts. In the first place, we introduced ourselves briefly, which helped us to know each other better. Additionally, we organized some recreational activities. For example, our talented volunteers taught those children to dance and sing. In the end, we gave the stationery prepared in advance to these lovely children.

  This volunteer activity was really impressive. It gave us an opportunity to experience a different life and we were really moved by the children’s enthusiasm.






Dear Mike,

  How is everything going with you? Hearing that you have a plan to learn Chinese, I am writing to you to recommend a university where you can absolutely have a fruitful learning experience. My recommendation is Beijing University, a prestigious university suitable for language learning in China.

  The reasons accounting for my recommendation are as follows. To begin with, being a first-class university with the best facilities and the finest teachers, Beijing University is capable of offering a professional guidance and systematic training for you to master Chinese. Furthermore, the location of this university, Beijing, is the capital of China with profound historical sediment in culture. Consequently, not only can you get in touch with those who speak the most standard Mandarin, but also you will experience the wonder of real Chinese culture.

  All in all, I sincerely welcome you to have a visit to Beijing. I will wait for you in there and offer help whenever you need. I am already eagerly awaiting your reply.










Dear friend,

  I am delighted to write this letter to recommend a city for you. I know that you have a strong desire to teach English in recent days. I suppose when you read this letter, you must be satisfied about what I recommend.

  I would like to share with you some detailed information about it. The first city flashing in my mind is Beijing, the capital of China. Additionally, young people in expanding number in Beijing begin to improve the awareness of English learning. They admit that having a good command of English plays a key role in personal growth and future career. As a consequence, I am sure that you will have a lot of chances to teach English.

  Thank you for spending time reading this letter and I am looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience. Good luck to you with all aspects of life.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Ming








Dear Jack,

  I am so glad to hear that you will pay a visit to China next month. Since you told me you are interested in learning Chinese, I am writing this letter to recommend you some famous and interesting attractions for better understanding Chinese characters.

  As you know, the Forbidden City, which is also known as the Palace Museum, embodies this nations profound and diversified ancient culture with its magnificent architecture and precious treasures. Besides, it provides you with a variety of tourist introduction including its origin, cultural background as well as its translation in multiple languages, which will open a window for you to have a better understanding about the splendid Chinese characters.

  I hope my recommendation will not make you disappointed. I can’t wait to be your guide. With best wishes.

















目录 【1】历年英语四级作文 【4】2021年英语四级作文 【2】2023年英语四级作文 【5】2020年英语四级作文 【3】2022年英语四级作文 【6】2019年英