
文/ 且听风吟 时间: 新概念作文

Everyone ha their own diet.

Long long ago,people didn't have enough food.So they alway looked forward to eating the meat.Nearly everyone wanted the meat but few people could get it.The health tandard wa high becaue people uually ate vegetable.

But with the developing of the ociety,more and more people can get the meat.And they become heavier and heavier.Many people try to loe weight but only a few people can be ucceful.People become more intereted in vegetable intead of meat.

Becaue of the development,more and more people are in good condition.And the good condition lead to the change of diet.


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Everyone ha their own diet.Long long ago,people didn't have enough food.So they alway looked forward to eating the meat.Nearly everyone wanted the meat bu