
文/ 大鱼 时间: 新概念作文

In a tudy of nearly 150 people who are "lim by deign", meaning thoe who are a healthy weight and who don't truggle with weight iue, reearcher found that only 4 percent of the participant reported kipping breakfat.研究者发起了一项150人参与的调查,这些人都是有意识地保持苗条体形的人,也就是说从体重上看他们很健康,不必为体重问题纠结,研究者发现只有4%的受访者称自己不吃早餐。

"One important take away from thi tudy i that a very high rate of lim people actually eat breakfat intead of kipping, which i conitent with previou reearch on the importance of breakfat," aid lead author Anna-Leena Vuorinen. "But what tand out i that they not only ate breakfat, but that they ate healthful food like fruit and vegetable."“这项研究的一个重大发现就是,在苗条的人群中有相当一大部分人会认真吃早饭而不是略过早饭,这与前人对早餐重要性的研究是一致的,”研究成果的主笔人安娜-莉娜·沃瑞楠说,“这次研究的创新成果是,我们发现体型苗条的人不仅会吃早餐,而且会选择水果和蔬菜等健康食品。”

Indeed, rather than ugar-laden good like patrie and Pop-Tart, more than half of the regitry' participant reported eating fruit for breakfat. Other popular food included egg, cold cereal or granola. Thee healthy morning meal aren't anything out of the ordinary: No fancy recipe or expenive juice appeared in the finding. Check out more of the tudy' concluion in the infographic below. Perhap it' time to give your morning meal a makeover.事实上,超过半数参与调查的人早餐吃蔬菜,而不是糖分过多的糕点和馅饼。他们早餐还经常选择的食物包括鸡蛋、冷燕麦粥或格兰诺拉燕麦卷。这些健康的早餐并不是奇珍异馐,并不是花哨的食谱或高档果汁。看看下面表格中反映的研究成果吧,是时候应该让你的早餐来个更新换代了。


How to Keep Healthy 如何保持健康英语作文

英语作文:Smoking and health 吸烟与健康




In a tudy of nearly 150 people who are "lim by deign", meaning thoe who are a healthy weight and who don't truggle with weight iue, reearcher found that o