
文/ 梦无畏 时间: 优秀作文

A chalk, remain uncorrupted, 3 feet dais, cold hot weather of the four seasons... adore make a teacher, you appear in my life with such figure, in memory, irrigate for us with sweat grow, write future for us with chalk.


Make a teacher, you do not calculate too tall stature in, hiding exalted heart, in our little thorax, have infinite respect to you. One's pupils or disciples of Yo of 3 feet dais, a chalk writes year. Days throws the person easily, red cherry, green banana, years gradually the body that stroke crosses you, took youthful appearance, took pitch-black black hair, left a few silver hair, but look in us, you forever young and beautiful, taking the teaching plan that folds massiness then to laughing to us in the classroom, silk of a running fire is giving off light. That smile, laughed at days, clear read aloud want...


The setting sun is infinite good, it is close dusk only, rosy clouds incarnadine half the sky, memorial string is dialed to move momently in that.


The light of the setting sun passes through branches and leaves, scatter thin on the ground, dizzy catch the impress that encircle a circle. Gentle breeze is held in both hands case drop the Chinese parasol leaf of one ground, blow to back, blow to distance. Just went up first one before long I, because result of first time test is insufficient ideal, go in the corner of campus alone after school, was full of in the heart confused with without arrange, it is scared even, go silently on alley alone, taking a load on one's mind of bellyful, worrying about future.


Cloud is being burned multicoloredly, as if full-bodiedly be about to distill the style of writing of heavy Chinese ink. The most beautiful the setting sun is red nevertheless, really such, cloud cirrus easy of a day, be caught by the setting sun chromatically colour.


Look up dekko, I see having your figure nearby, you are stroking the shoulder of a classmate with short stature gently, edge and he goes to chat by the side of. You look up, saw me in front, chuckle is worn go to me, yu Hui set off wears setting sun your smiling face.


"See your sullen look, be new term has not suited? Is result of first time test not quite ideal? Your foundation is very good, should not be this level. " you are worn to my chuckle. I recounted trouble and bewilderment to you. Respond to me, be you smile, "Cheer, the teacher believes you, gold always can give off light. " fall in your encouragement, I all the time very hard, assiduous and assiduous, go ahead ceaselessly, one pace models more perfect ego.


Russia educationist Make has said even Ke Ceng before: "The child that has deep love for oneself is natural, and the child that has deep love for others is divine. " you resemble a sage same, meticulously ground is showing loving care for everybody, enlightening like a bright lamp our ongoing direction. The first sunshine of early morning is aspersed to the earth, you already reached the school, sleek arrangement classmates are read early, read brightly voice is cheerful our atrium; Finish class euphonicly since bell noise, your form moves back and forth between classroom desk and chair, patient coach individually beautiful noonday sunshine; Ended the one overworked of the day, your station is behind us, watch sb go away is worn last classmate comes home, the smile of intoxicate is warm the chest of everybody...


The lunar illumination of chilly enters a window, month and smooth confluence arrive in last silhouette. At this moment you, correcting exercise meticulously, prepare teaching plan seriously. Working to go up originally is to tick off completely tick off delimit, red pen annotate on is completely on teaching plan paper, they are like bouncing note, playing the most beautiful movement of night.


You dedicate silently, not Wei pains, you are written with chalk brilliant, irrigate attentively flower, yo gives a batch of another batch ridgepole and beam-pillar of the state. A chalk, remain uncorrupted, 3 feet dais, cold hot weather of the four seasons, be who opens full flower in mental field? Be who lets the journey of to apply for a job diffusing the fragrance of wisdom? In fact, the spring breeze of the journey bath care that grow, who be with all directions child of a poetic name of China of one's pupils or disciples explains green years without complain without regret? It is you, it is you. Even if the arena that does not have a flower, also or it is the monologize that does not have applause, but the hand of your enclasp chalk, always can let color of avery kind of bloom. Many thanks you are so dazzling, do us the years stars in insipid years.


Your footstep, very short, very short, walked along lifetime to did not walk out of 3 feet dais; Your footstep very long, very long, each fly to the child of distance, it is the footmark of your travel make a move, help strength each child realizes a dream, it is the poem that your a suit stands fast and distance.










A chalk, remain uncorrupted, 3 feet dais, cold hot weather of the four seasons... adore make a teacher, you appear in my life with such figure, in memory, irrig